Page 69 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 11
P. 69

person from one level of change to another. The   ka  ene,  gape  le  tlholego  eo  a  tshelang  mo  go
             method is to listen to the message the client is   yone.  Counselling  e  thusa  go  fetola  motho,  e
             sending, reflect this to the client in a way that   mo tlhatlhose, go tloga mo maemong a a rileng
             has  meaning  to  them,  and  present  alternative   go ya go kwa a ko godimo. Seno se fitlhelelwa
             possibilities,  decisions,  and  behaviours  when   ka gore counsellor a utlwelele sentle seo se bui-
             the client is truly ready to consider them. Peop-  wang ke motho yo o senkang thuso, a boeletse
             le are unique and thus counselling needs to be    seo  mosenka-thuso  a  se  buileng  (reflecting),
             as unique. Neither Christ nor Paul appears to     gore a tlhaloganye mafoko a gagwe sentle. Mo-
             have used the same formula in their approach to   rago,  mo-counsellor  a  neelane  ka  mekgwa  le
             people. Jesus approached Nicodemus different-     dikaakanyo  tse  di  farologang  tseo  bothata  bo
             ly than the woman at the well. Paul discussed     ka  rarabololwang  ka  teng  ke  mosenka-thu-
             philosophies with the Athenians and confron-      so. Batho ba a farologana, ka jalo counselling
             ted the Corinthians. Yet his goal for everyone    le yone ga e kake ya tshwana. Morena Jeso le
             was the same: that they be imitators of him, in   Paulose ga ba a thusa basenka-thuso ka tsela e
             order that they become imitators of Christ.       e tshwanang, ka le ditlhoko tsa bone di ne di
                                                               farologane. Morena Jeso o thusitse Nichodemus
                                                               ka tsela e e farologaneng go ka moo a thusitseng
             The  Gospels  clearly  indicate  compassion  was
             the  dominant  characteristic  of  Christ’s  coun-  mosadi yo o neng a le kwa mogobeng. Paulose
             selling  ministry.  Compassion  is  the  ability  to   o ne a sekaseka matlhale le ba-Athenia, mme a
                                                               kgorogela ebile a omanya Bakorinte. Fela se a
             put  yourself,  as  nearly  as  possible,  in  another   neng a batla go se fitlhelela e ne le gore botlhe
             person’s  place.  Compassionate  counsellors  are   ba dire jaake ene, ba tsamae mo dikgatong tsa
             tender  toward  counselees  and  responsive  to   ga Jeso Kereste.
             their needs. Both compassion and loving con-      Dikwalo tsa Beibele, di supa sentle gore kutlwe-
             frontation are necessary in helping people face   lobotlhoko e ne le one mokgwa o o maleba o
             the difficult circumstances and painful relation-  Jeso a neng a o dirisa fa a ne a thusa batho. Go
             ships in their lives. Christian counsellors need   nna le kutlwelobotlhoko ke go kgona go ipaa
             to continually ask the Lord to expand these gra-  mo mannong a motho yo mongwe. Di-counsel-
             ces in their lives.                               lor tse di nang le kutlwelobolhoko di pelonolo
                                                               mme ba tlhaloganya maikutlo a basenka-thuso.
             The Holy Spirit and His role in counselling       Go nna le kutlwelobotlhoko le go bua ka tse di
             In John 14:26 Jesus said, “But the Counsellor,    amang mosenka-thuso ka lerato, ba kgone go
             the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in     thusa ka botswerere. Go dira jalo go botlhok-
             my name, will teach you all things and will re-   wa, ka go thusa batho go lebana le mathata a
             mind you of everything I have said to you.” Je-   botshelo ao ba rakanang le one. Ba-counsellor
             sus took the opportunity to shepherd the dis-     ba seKereste ba tlhoka go nna ba tsweletse pele
             ciples’ paining hearts. They were so fearful, sad   go kopa Modimo go ba nonofatsa ka go godisa
             and painfully aware that Jesus would be leaving   tshegofatso mo matshelong a bone.
             them forever and He took the opportunity to
             teach them how the Holy Spirit would lead and     Mowa o o Boitshepo le tiro ya gagwe mo coun-
             guide them The coming of the Holy Spirit that     selling
             Jesus referred to would be to their great advan-  Mo go Johane 14:26, Jeso o ne a re:” Mogomotsi,
             tage beyond any frame of reference they have      e leng Mowa o o Boitshepo, o Rara o tla o rome-
             known up to this point in their lives. The Holy   lang mo leineng la me o tla le ruta dilo tsotlhe,
             Spirit would then continue what Jesus had done    o obo o le gakolola tsotlhe tseo ke di le bolelet-
             (John 16:9) and in so doing the Holy Spirit’s role   seng”. Jeso o ne a tsaa sebaka go gomotsa dipelo
             would be testifying to Jesus (16:13-15) (Lewis,   tse di utlwileng botlhoko tsa barutwana ba gag-
             2016). He also promised that the Helper from      we. Ba ne ba tletse poifo, ba utlwile botlhoko ka
             the Father would take up permanent, uninter-      ba ne ba lemoga gore Jeso o a ba tlogela mme ga
             rupted residence within His disciples. The Holy   a tlhole a bowa, mme ene one tsaya tshono eo
             Spirit wouldn’t merely be present with them; but   go ba ruta ga mokgwa oo Mowa o o Boitsepo
             He would be resident within them permanently.     o tla ba rutang le go ba tataisa ka gone. Go go-
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