Page 63 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 11
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2. Research – evidence based praxis skills and being open to the Holy Spirit. Experi-
APA definition of the evidence based praxis and ence of purification (St. John of the Cross calls
many research found that adopting psychothe- it „night“) can be useful for inner integration in
rapy to an individual patient is most important spiritual aspect.
for the effectiveness of therapy (APA, 2006;
Norcross 2011). It is also proved that adopting 4. Spiritual influences
psychotherapy to patient’s religion/ spirituali- The praxis of psychological consultations for
ty increases effectiveness of therapy (Norcross, people who want to see the exorcist was esta-
2011; Worthington et al., 2011). It means that blished in Warsaw Archdiocese by the bishop
psychotherapists (also non-Christian) should in the year 2000. I did more than one thousand
learn about possible spiritual / religious aspects such consultation (Ostaszewska, 2010; Ostas-
of life. In last years a lot of research on effec- zewska, 2013). Most of the people I consulted -
tiveness of including spirituality or religiosity about 70 percent - had psychological problems
in psychotherapy has been conducted (Ostas- and also different problems, not typically psy-
zewska, 2014; Worthington, et al., 2013). Scien- chological, connected usually with their past
tific research concern any spiritually integrated involvement in occult praxis. Some of these
therapy and specific Christian psychotherapy. people I met after exorcism. They said that their
Research indicates that Christian approach is specific problems disappeared after this prayer.
as effective as other forms of psychotherapy About 15 percent of these people had only typi-
(Wade et al., 2007; Worthington, et al., 2011). In cal psychological problems i.e. psychosis so we
some cases it is more effective, especially in in advise them to go to a psychiatrist or to psy-
the treatment of religious individuals (Martinez chotherapy. About 15 percent of them had no
et al., 2007) and in the treatment of depressi- psychological problems but had specific spiri-
on (Probst et al., 1992; Hawkins, 1999). Today tual problems and symptoms. These symptoms
spirituality is reflected in the healing of various were connected especially with decisions made
psychiatric disorders such as depression, sexual by the person in past. This kind of decisions
abuse (Murray-Swank, Pargament, 2005), ma- can be described as looking for the supernatu-
niac depressive syndrome (Raab, 2007), anxiety, ral power out of God. Decisions have spiritual
stress, eating disorders (Smith et al. 2007). meaning and effects. Decisions in the past and
specific symptoms are the base for considerati-
3. Christian anthropology – the meaning of on of possible spiritual influences.
being open for the Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit can act by anybody. But our faith and Concluding:
openness often is crucial. Jesus says many times: • Psychotherapists and psychiatrists need
Your faith healed you. We should do what is our more education on spiritual and religious
duty as professionals but charisms of the Holy reality.
Spirit can give additional help in our praxis. • It is needed to develop knowledge about ru-
Psychotherapy is not a spiritual guidance. But les of recognition of possible demon’s influ-
the level of inner integration of the therapist can ence.
influence the psychotherapeutic process. Spiri- • Personal spiritual development helps to be
tuality in Christian understanding means per- more open for the Holy Spirit and it can in-
sonal relationship with God. Inner integration fluence psychotherapists and psychiatrists
including spirituality means using professional professional work.
2 American Psychological Association Presidential Task References
Force on Evidence-Based Practice in Psychology 2006, 1.American Psychological Association. 2002. Ethical
p. 278: “EBPP [evidence-based practice in psychology] principles of psychologists and code of conduct. Ameri-
involves consideration of the patient’s values, religious can Psychologist, 57: 1060–1073.
beliefs, worldviews, goals, and preferences for treatment 2.American Psychological Association. 2013. Spiritu-
with the psychologist’s experience and understanding of ality in Clinical Practice,
the available research”. cfm?fa=browsePA.volumes&jcode=scp . Acessed March