Page 24 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 11
P. 24

vise artistic designs, to work in gold, silver, and   ans will prefer one pathway of Spirit-knowing
             bronze, in cutting stones for setting, and in car-  over  the  others,  some  personalities  probably
             ving wood, to work in every craft.” (Ex 31:3-5)    lean more one way than another; our experi-
             While  logico-mathetical  and  linguistic  forms   ences, education, and church background will
             of knowing have their weaknesses, the “softer”     undoubtedly  incline  us  towards  certain  ways
             forms of knowing also have theirs. I’ve heard of   of knowing and being. But as Warren’s article
             countless absurdities put forth as the commu-      overall demonstrated, the Spirit is behind them
             nication of God by well-meaning Christians, as     all  and  uses  them  all,  and  through  them  all,
             well as heretics convinced they were moved by      he is bringing us together, into greater unity,
             the “the Spirit.”                                  greater wisdom, greater openness, and greater
                                                                love. Paul, inspired by the Spirit, urged Chri-
             Yet I love the balance reflected in this line of   stians to “walk in a manner worthy of the cal-
             Mary Margaret Funk, quoted by Warren, that         ling with which you have bene called, with all
             Christians  ought  to  live  “from  the  mind  that   humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing
             is  descended  into  the  heart.”  We  need  both   with one another in love, eager to maintain the
             head and heart, “hard” forms of knowing and        unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” (Eph
             “soft” forms, because the Spirit is the source of   4:1-4) Warren’s article was in keeping with this
             the truth that comes from both. Some Christi-      same Spirit.

                                             OSKAR PFISTER FORUM:
                                    LAUSANNE, SWITZERLAND  JUNE 29 - 30, 2018

        Hotel Mirabeau

        See conference brochure and register at:

        Conference Presenters: Robert M. Gordon (USA), Marie and Lowell Hoffman (USA), Marek Marcak (Czech
        Republic), Werner May (Germany), Udo Middelmann (Switzerland), Samuel Pfeifer (Switzerland), Alistair
        Ross (UK), Brad Strawn (USA), Theresa Tisdale (USA).

        Lectures: Integrating Christianity, Psychology, and Depth Psychotherapy, Honoring Oskar Pfister, Christian
        Influences in Psychoanalysis, „The leaven of love“: Izette de Forest and Sandor Ferenczi, Freud‘s Free Clinics
        and the Redemptive Urge, The
        Psychoanalytic Diagnostic Ma-
        nual 2, Incarnation, Crucifixi-
        on, Resurrection and the Clini-
        cal Process, Evil and Suffering:
        Theological Perspectives.

        Register at:

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