Page 23 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 11
P. 23
Eric L. Johnson (USA)
Comment to Eric L. Johnson
“That which comes from Ph.D. is Lawrence
the Lord who is the Spirit” Hoover Professor
of Pastoral Care
at The Southern
Baptist Theologi-
What a treat to read E. Janet Warren’s wide- cal Seminary. He
ranging reflections on the role of the Spirit in edited Psychology
a Christian psychology! One senses a thought- and Christianity:
ful Christian who is open to diverse sources of Five Views and wrote Foundations for Soul
knowledge, Christian practices and traditions, Care: A Christian Psychology Proposal and
and academic disciplines; one who is receptive God and Soul Care: The Therapeutic Re-
to the Spirit in all his manifold manifestations. I sources of the Christian Faith. He’s married
suspect she is a good counselor! to Rebekah, who keeps him grounded.
The article reminded me that God the Spirit is Former articles by Eric you can see here:
the ultimate, immediate source of all the good
that we enjoy as humans and as Christians:
the good that comes to us through intuition
and visions, imagination and creativity, from
dialogue with others, as well as the good that
comes through careful, logical reflection and
experimental, quantitative research. I was also
reminded that the infinite Spirit is not bound to
communicate with us in just one way. Perhaps over-medication, and continued oppression of
to walk in the Spirit means, at least in part, to the poor in non-Western countries.
be open to the Spirit: to be curious and que-
stioning; to be open-minded, without being At the same time, though Warren acknow-
gullible; to be on the look out for God’s truth, ledged the value of rationality, there seemed to
goodness, and beauty all around us, from wha- be at least the implication that the Spirit might
tever source; and to be free of the anxiety that communicate with us more through the “sof-
needs to control and mater and already “know- ter” forms of knowing like intuition, imaginati-
it-all.” So, perhaps spiritual discernment entails on, and emotion. But is that so?
being open.
The Spirit is the source of all forms of know-
Christians need to challenge the Western re- ledge and uses all sources of knowledge. Consi-
liance (including some sectors of Western Chri- der the Bible, which God breathed out through
stianity!) on exclusively logical-mathematical the Spirit (2Tim 3:16; Heb 9:8). It is an essen-
and linguistic forms of knowledge, since such tially linguistic expression of God (though of
reliance constitutes a kind of idolatry due to course it is permeated with emotion and ima-
their ability to give humans a sense of greater gination!). The book of Proverbs utilizes com-
control and confidence in their deliverances, in mon sense, everyday observation, and rational
contrast to the more ambiguous and obscure reflection. Luke said his gospel was based on the
kinds of knowing that one obtains through in- compiling of an orderly account of the events
tuition, imagination, bodily knowing, and emo- of Jesus’ life. Moreover, the Spirit is the source
tion. Limiting ourselves to logical and linguistic of rational skills. God said he filled Bezalel with
forms of knowing has led to environmental cri- “the Spirit of God, with ability and intelligence,
ses, animal mistreatment, abortion-on-demand, with knowledge and all craftsmanship, to de-