Page 18 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 11
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guidance, we can assume we will get it.
             Theology and psychology can be mutually in-
             formative and transformative. A better under-
             standing  of  pneumatology  and  spiritual  dis-
             cernment may guide the Christian counseling
             process. And the practice of Christian therapy
             and sharing of experiences (the Holy Spirit in
             action) may counter the often abstract nature of
             theology, and add support to theological con-
             cepts. I conclude with the word of Dougherty
             (2009, p. 72):
             We were never promised a game plan for our
             lives.  What  we  were  promised  instead,  was
             the Spirit who would abide in us always, ope-
             ning up new possibilities moment by moment,
             being with us as we live into these possibilities.
             I pray to trust that fiery Spirit, to allow it to do
             its transforming work within as I seek to relin-
             quish my need for knowing.

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