Page 90 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 10
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community. However, in the face of strong ex-     References
             pressions to the contrary, their feelings of sha-  Andersen,  J.M.  (2016)  The  Dynamics  of  Shame  in  the
             me when they felt a loss of regard by others and   Eden Narrative Unpublished PhD thesis, Australian Ca-
             a guilt that they had betrayed the social order   tholic University, Australia
                                                               Frankl, V. (1986) The Doctor and the Soul. From Psycho-
             would have led them to “sear their conscience”.   therapy to Logotherapy. Revised and expanded edition.
             Similar  occurrences  occur  within  each  of  us   New York: Second Vintage Books Edition, USA.
             on a daily basis. C.S Lewis (1993) in “The In-    Hofstede,  G.  (2010)  Cultures  and  Organizations:  Soft-
             ner Ring” suggested that our fear of being not    ware of the Mind. 3rd edition. McGraw-Hill, USA
             well-regarded often leads us to do things that    Langle, A. (1999) Existential Analysis - Find Consensus
                                                               With Life. Fundamental Psychiatrica 12: 139 – 146.
             are against our better consciences.               Lewis, C.S. (1993) The Inner Ring. Screwtape Proposes a
                                                               Toast. Fount, Great Britain.
             Eventually, we are called to a higher standard
             than family or society. Nazi war criminals, drug
             lords,  colonial  masters  are  possibly  little  dif-
             ferent from us all if we are going to truly ex-
             amine our consciences from the perspective of
             the Other. For this we must take Vyacheslav’s
             approach of a “guilt-based approach” to consci-
             ence formation seriously. However, the problem
             with Vyacheslav’s article is its under-emphasis
             on the external influences of society. A study of
             Scripture  and  theological  analysis  would  pro-
             duce a more nuanced approach to include both
             guilt and shame as significant factors in the for-
             mation of a conscience.

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