Page 35 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 10
P. 35

The  difficulty  resides  in  how,  practically   further prayerful study of scripture and psycho-
             speaking, to transform consciences, in wisdom     logical research is likely to be profitable for a)
             and in truth. While Johnson acknowledges that     further  clarifying  and  operationalizing  Chri-
             this  is  only  possible  through  the  power  and   stian  conscience  and  associated  developmen-
             work of Christ and the Spirit, the example of     tal processes, in both spiritual and observable
             Paul’s pastoral instruction for addressing weak   terms, and for b) developing practical strategies
             consciences in human interactions is illustrative   for restoring the conscience, to the edification
             of the complexity inherent in restoring disorde-  of individual souls as well as the local and ca-
             red consciences. However, it seems to me that     tholic church, to God’s glory.

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