Page 76 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 1
P. 76

Christian Psychotherapy

             Comment on Anna Ostaszewska
             “The Integrative Psychotherapy:

             a Christian Approach to Anxiety
               by Wolfram Soldan

             Giving a Christian therapeutic approach a place within   logy. The pursuit of healing and happiness would then be,
             integrative psychotherapy, according to the definition   psychologically and spiritually, the defined aim, however
             Anna has used, provides a worthwhile framework for   with overlappings in content and also contrasts with the
             considering a Christian therapeutic approach as funda-  usual psychological or psychotherapeutic designs. Ac-
             mentally part of integrative psychotherapy. In these re-  ceptance of, and even giving a meaning to, inevitable suf-
             marks I would like to look more closely at this task, lea-  fering would in turn be one specific aspect of (spiritual,
             ving aside the aspect of anxiety therapy, especially since   holistic) health or healing.
             neither the article nor the real-life case focused on anxi-
             ety therapy alone.
                                                               My thanks to Anna for this stimulating article!
             I  find a  fascination in  the  implicit working  with both
             possible definitions of integrative therapy offered there:
             first, the theoretically-based combination of two or more
             specific approaches or, second, an independent metathe-
             oretical model of integration.

             As I understand it, Anna’s article is orientated at the anth-
             ropological integration level on a Christian meta-theory
             within which everything else is to find its place. On the
             practical and therapeutic-personal-level the combining
             of approaches predominate – of course under the meta-
             theoretical roof of a Christian anthropology.

             It was not quite clear to me here to what extent her own
             Christian approaches, which are only indicated, are com-
             bined with secular (particularly depth psychology and
             cognitive behaviourism), or whether secular ones were
             selected and, so to speak, adapted into a Christian meta-                Wolfram Soldan, Germany,
             roof.                                                                    is a Physician, psychothe-
                                                                                      rapist and one of the main
             Basically the meaningfulness and the necessity of an in-                 lecturers for clinical psycho-
             tegration, bearing a Christian hallmark - whether in the                 logy at the IGNIS-Institute.
             form of combination or meta-theory - came out very                       He worked 1wo years in the
             clearly in the article.                                                  DE‘IGNIS-Hospital, about
                                                                                      five years as head of the for-
             Personally, I am convinced that a Christian integrative                  mer IGNIS-Therapy-Center.
             approach can provide an independent (meta-)model for                     His main topics include for-
             integration, a point which seemed to me to receive too                   giveness  processes,  dealing
             little attention in the article and which I therefore wish to            with the Bible in counsel-
             illustrate with an example:                                              ling, sexuality.

             In the article, it was suggested that a fruitful combination
             was possible between the pursuit of health and happiness
             on the psychological level, and the acceptance of inevita-
             ble suffering on the spiritual level. This is an interesting
             integration in the sense of combination.

             I would prefer to derive a holistic definition of health (the
             NT term soteria, which integrates salvation and healing!)
             and happiness (“Blessed are...”) from a biblical anthropo-

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