Page 8 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 9
P. 8

Friedemann Alsdorf (Germany)
             My Therapy Aim –

             Your Therapy aim –
             God’s Therapy aim?

             or  “What  do  you  want  me  to do  for
             (Jesus in Luke 18,41)
             First published eJ 2, 2012

                                                                  Friedemann Alsdorf,  Graduate  in  psycho-
             Therapy aims                                         logy, psychotherapist and supervisor. After
                                                                  short periods of work in psychiatry and a
             Therapy  definitions   contain,  as  a  rule,  three   special  needs  school  there  followed  eight-
             central key elements: starting with the recogni-     and-a-half  years  of  responsibility  in  ad-
             tion of a current status requiring change (disor-    diction therapy as part of Teen Challenge.
             ders, problems, illnesses etc.), certain methods     Since 1997 at the IGNIS Academy, leader of
             and techniques are applied in seeking to reach a     the social therapy area (offering addiction
             desired target status (therapy aims).                counselling, group therapy, social work and

                                                                  supervision) and contact person for the icp,
             In this context, therapy aims need not be sci-       the Institute for Christian Psychology, The-
             entifically grounded, but can be discussed from      rapy  and  Pedagogics  in  Switzerland.  Now
             purely  ethical  and  spiritual  points  of  view.  A   head of the IGNIS-Academy.
             consensus regarded therapy aims must be rea-
             ched between the expectations and needs of the           
             client on the one hand and, on the other hand,
             the  presuppositions  of  the  therapist  based  on
             the foci (values, concept of man) of the therapy
             in question. The various therapeutic “schools”
             traditionally define their therapy aims very dif-  •  Symptom  reduction,  countering  negative
             ferently,  and  the  personal  values  of  therapists   developments
             add their weight as well. Examples of the aims    •  Freedom (to do what is good), autonomy,
             of therapists for their clients:                      maturity, self-realisation, active life-shaping

                                                               •  Congruence, genuineness, ability to live out
                                                                   and show feelings, authenticity
                                                               •  Awareness  (attention  to  inner  processes),
             1 “Psychotherapy is a conscious and planned interactive   consciousness
             process for influencing relationship disorders and states
             of  suffering  which  are  agreed  in consensus (if  possible   •  Learning  ability,  development  of  compe-
             between patient, therapist and immediate relational en-  tence
             vironment) to be in need of treatment with psychologi-  •  Ability in relationships and communication
             cal means (by communication) of mostly verbal, but also   •  The client’s experience of being important
             non-verbal, nature moving towards a defined, if possible   to others
             jointly  determined,  aim  (symptom  minimisation  and/
             or structural changes in the personality) using teachable   •  Functional  (enabling  healthy  develop-
             techniques on the basis of a theory of normal and patho-  ments) systems of relationships
             logical behaviour. As a rule, a resilient emotional relati-  •  A life in keeping with God’s commandments
             onship is necessary.” (Strotzka, H. (1975): Psychothera-  •  A  life  in  an  intimate,  trustful  relationship
             pie. München, cit. from Ambühl, H.; Strauß, B. (1999):   with God
             Therapieziele – Ein „dunkles Kapitel“ der Psychothera-
             pieforschung? In: Ambühl, H.; Strauß, B. (eds.): Thera-
             pieziele. Göttingen, p.8)
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