Page 11 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 9
P. 11

a) in the eyes of politics and society?               are  derived  from  professional  knowledge-
             b) in the eyes of the commissioning authorities?      based  considerations  from  which  various
             c) in the eyes of the cost-carrying agency?           strategies are developed. They must reflect
             3. What commission can I – going beyond what          professional responsibility; the standard is
             has been mentioned – formulate for myself on          the effective achievement of the final aims.
             the basis of                                      •  Final aims (or end aims) can only be measu-
             - professional knowledge and ethical principles       red  by  standards  of  ethical  responsibility.
             - my spiritual view and calling?                      They are derived from the patient’s aims for
                                                                   the therapy and the subsequently negotia-
             Therapy aims und life aims 5                          ted treatment contract.
             It appears important to me to distinguish bet-
             ween life aims and therapy aims.                  Awareness, for example, can be both an instru-
             •  Life aims are, as a rule, a life-long challenge,   mental aim (to cause the patient’s symptoms to
                hardly  achievable  in  entirety.  They  belong   disappear) and a final aim (if the client does not
                to the “life system” of the client, are tied in   wish to experience these feelings again). Both
                with (for the client at least) absolute values.   kinds  of  aim  should  be  openly  declared  and
                Here no hierarchy or external imposition is    agreed.
                permissible, otherwise personal conscience
                is infringed.                                  “Compulsory aims” and “luxury aims”
             •  Therapy  aims  should  given  a  limited  and   One  could  also  speak  of  minimum  aims  and
                achievable formulation so that achievement     maximum aims.
                or non-achievement can be identified at the    •  “Compulsory aims”: What is the least that
                end  of  the  therapy.  Therapy  aims  belong      must be achieved in this therapy? If these
                to the “therapy system”, which is based on         aims are not achieved, the conclusion must
                agreements  and  relative  values.  This  sets     be that the therapy has failed or even caused
                sensible limits to the hierarchy inherent in       damage (it has then not been worth it).
                the system and the power of the therapist.     •  “Luxury  aims”:  What  could  realistically
                                                                   be further achieved in this therapy? What
             If  therapy  aims  (e.g.  stopping  smoking)  are     would be – from the point of view of client
             made  into  absolute  values  (“smoking  is  a  sin   or therapist, or spiritually – “nice to have”?
             and separates you from God”) or if life aims be-      Such  aims  often  appear  attractive  and  are
             come therapy aims (which leads automatically          motivational – even if not absolutely neces-
             to failure), hurt and role-confusions result.         sary.
             If the therapist is at the same time a priest or
             spiritual leader, discernment and restraint are   It is not unusual for clients or even therapists
             appropriate. He should also always ask himself    to lose sight of compulsory aims and turn their
             whether what his intended goal is a therapy aim   attention  to  luxury  aims  (examples:  primary
             or a life aim. That can prevent misunderstan-     task and secondary benefits in a group thera-
             dings and disappointments on both sides.          py). Or therapists put themselves under unne-
             Nevertheless, life aims and therapy aims should   cessary pressure because they have formulated
             be linked with each other. The achieving of the   for their work “luxury aims” which they then
             therapy aims should also bring the life aims ne-  do not achieve.
             arer.                                             In both cases, it is necessary to be open about
                                                               any conflicting aims and to turn committedly
             Instrumental and final aims                       again to the compulsory aims.
             •  Instrumental  aims  (or  intermediate  aims)
                                                               Depth of aim in therapy
                                                               There is a hierarchy of aims in therapy: that the-
             5 According to Mahler, Dr. Roland: Zwangs- und Sucht-  re are different depths of transformation is al-
             störungen. Seminarunterlagen SCS, 2004            ready clear in the biblical account of the healing

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