Page 71 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 8
P. 71

Christian Psychology alive

             Bèné Katabua

             Treating Missionary                                  Bèné     Katabua
                                                                  is  an  Educatio-
             Kids with Psychological                              nal  Psychologist
                                                                  and  Lecturer  in
             Challenges                                           Johannesburg.
                                                                  She  is  passionate
             La pratique de la psychothérapie reste intéres-      about    mental-
             sante en raison de la diversité des phénomènes       health service de-
             qui nous sommes exposés, compte tenu du ca-          livery, and is cur-
             ractère évolutif de l‘homme.                         rently  in  a  space
             Cela signifie que, comme la pratique des psy-        where  she  can
             chologues, nous pouvons traiter les gens avec        align  her  faith  with her practice at the
             les mêmes Diagnostics, mais avoir adapté nos         Institute  of  Christian  Psychology.  Practi-
             approches  basées  sur  le  contexte  particulier.   cing within a Christian Psychology frame-
             Une fois que l‘aspect de la foi est inclus, il ouvre   work, she is able to work with people past
             d‘avantage les possibilités de la façon d‘adapter    the point of their psyche and also explore
             notre  traitement.  Il  ajoute  également  des  dé-  spiritual  challenges  where  necessary.  She
             tails entourant le genre de personnes des diffi-     has several years’ experience working with
             cultés qui peuvent être recouvertes. Cet article     children from a variety of backgrounds, gi-
             est à traiter les enfants des missionnaires ayant    ven the diverse nature of South Africa. This
             des difficultés psychologiques et implique aus-      is something, which intrigues her, as it per-
             si bien les professionnels et les parents, tel qu‘il   mits her to find creative ways to help those
             a  appliqué  une  approche  holistique.  L‘auteur    in need. Bene is from the Democratic Re-
             commence être donnant un bref aperçu dans les        public of Congo and her home language is
             phénomènes d’enfants de troisième culture ; qui      French.
             comprend les enfants missionnaires.                              
             Certains  problèmes  communs  au  sein  de  ce
             groupe sont ensuite discutés, avant d‘énumérer
             les moyens dans  lesquels  les  professionnels  et
             les parents peuvent intervenir. L‘article conclut   schools, and spend time on military camps, etc.
             en  illustrant  les  défis  communs  auxquels  font   as opposed to participating in the cultural life-
             face les enfants missionnaires, comme cela a été   style of the natives. One would think that this
             remarqué dans la pratique.                        would give the MK an edge above the rest, as
                                                               s/he should have an affinity for languages and
             Missionary Kids form part of a broader group of   an ability to adjust easily to a new situation. In-
             internationally mobile children, who common-      terestingly, this is not a universal truth (Davis,
             ly go by the term “Third Culture Kids”. A Third   Suarez, Crawford, & Rehfuss, 2013).
             Culture Kid (TCK) is a child who has spent the
             majority of their developmental years in a cul-   There has been a surge of interest into MKs and
             ture outside of their parents’. This group com-   the complexities they face, due to their constant
             prises  of  a)  children  of  international  business   geographical displacements. This attention calls
             people, b) children of diplomats, c) children of   for  interventions  to  be  put  in  place  for  their
             military personnel, and d) children of missio-    reentry into their parents’ home country, as well
             naries (Hervey, 2009). What distinguishes MKs     as  for  their  psychological  well-being  (Adams,
             from  the  other  sub-group  denominations  is    Shaver, & White, 2003; Bikos, et al., 2009; Davis,
             how much they immerse themselves into their       et  al.,  2010;  Kimber,  2012;  Klemens  &  Bikos,
             environments, given the nature of their parents’   2009). Davis et al. (2013) explain that this mo-
             work  (Kimber,  2012).  Whereas,  the  other      bility is not only followed by the ability to easily
             groups are more likely to attend international    make friends and adapt socially. It also leads the

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