Page 48 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 8
P. 48

Christian Psychology as a Challenge

             does. It is this priestly “proprium” that makes it   stance” that stands für the “wholeness” of “soul
             a part of the greater task of “shepherding” and   care” in the pastoral work. Is it a consciousness
             it’s the focus on the “soul” or the psychic con-  of meaning and value of life? Is it the faithful
             dition of the individual that makes it different   hope for redemption and eternal consistency of
             from other issues a parochial shepherd has to     the personal unit? Louw speaks of a “stereome-
             deal with. Of course at this point we get stuck   tric” correlation of the different dimensions of
             again with the problem mentioned above: the       a Christian or biblical understanding of “psy-
             accurate  anthropological  and  theological  un-  che”, “soul” etc. By this he illustrates an over-
             derstanding  of  the  interaction  between  God   laying interaction of different connotations and
             and “soul”! Once again: here lies the very pro-   meanings. In other words: the different expres-
             blem of a seriously considered “pastoral care”    sions  form  a  multidimensional  unit  in  which
             or “soul care” – not so much in the methodical    every aspect helps to disclose the other.
             reductionism  as  Sathler-Rosa  points  out.  The
             methodical problem is a secondary one compa-      Surprisingly to me Louw chooses the term “spi-
             red to the inner-christian or inner-theological   rituality”  as  an  access  to  distinguish  the  very
             challenge to give explanations for Gods interac-  characteristics of “soul care”? Without any de-
             tion with the human “soul” or “psyche” (terms     fining explanation of the term “spirit” he con-
             with no proper biblical foundation and with di-   siders “spirituality” as a quality of “soul care” in
             verse meanings). Louw refers to this very pro-    tradition  (Leech).  Obviously  the  term  is used
             blem in his discussion on the meaning of “psy-    by  many  authors  and  with  different  connota-
             che”  in  Christian  (biblical?)  tradition  of  “soul   tions.  Is  spirituality  an  opposite  to  secularity
             care”. He comes to the conclusion that “psyche”   (Cox)  or  is  it  a  way  to  develop  personal  ma-
             in this tradition refers to the “quality of life as   turity?  Louw  quotes  Cobb  et  al.:  “Spirituality
             determined by the normative dimension in the      is for many people a way of engaging with the
             wisdom tradition, namely the ethos of love and    purpose and meaning of human existence and
             grace”. “Psyche” as a quality of life is presented   provides a reliable perspective on their lived ex-
             as an anthropological topos of moral conduct      perience and an orientation to the world”. This
             as well as of acceptance (regarding Tillich). In   very common understanding expresses a basic
             this finally relational understanding of “psyche”   need for meaning and value of human life in its
             God appears as the counterpart and origin of      daily experiences. According to this approach
             man’s Life in mutal consense and cooperation.     “soul care” as spiritual help is one among many
             The interaction between God and man which is      contributes to human wholeness of personality.
             called “psyche” has the quality of awareness and
             presence.  These  anthropological  propositions   Whether this is what we would expect from the
             essentially bring forth the dynamics of emotio-   header of this essay can be discussed contradic-
             nal, kognitive and intentional self-organisation   tious. A couple of thesises about spirituality is
             of man’s transcendental consciousness creating    maybe  helpful  to  launch  further  discussions,
             faith, hope and love. Louw makes it clear, that   but it is a thin contribution to an adequate un-
             this dynamics refer to what theology calls the    derstanding of Gods part in “soul care” or the
             covenantal interaction between God and man.       psychic response to God’s presence in his word,
             Only in this clearly confined (i.e. by the will of   in his spirit, in his church.
             God or by commandments) relationship there
             is such a life-changing presence and awareness    Conclusion: there is much to learn from Louw’s
             of God in man’s everyday reality.                 exposition  of  semantic  or  etymological  back-
                                                               grounds and of the thus revealed perspectives
             When it comes to the meaning of “soul care” in    on  “pastoral  care”  and  “soul  care”.  The  basic
             pastoral theology Low refers to the combination   anthropological problems are only partly dealt
             of “soul”, “care” and “cure” as the “core identity   with and the theological problem of God’s reve-
             of caregiving”. What contents essentially consti-  lation in the human “psyche” has – as far as I can
             tute this combination? What is the “inner sub-    see – merely been touched. Spiritual guidance

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