Page 43 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 8
P. 43

Christian Psychology as a Challenge

                values and convictions that give meaning to        in cultural convictions and taboos.
                life, motivates people to endure in suffering   •  Spirituality acknowledges the fact that in all
                and help to display a kind of resilience and       models and approaches to life one should
                hopeful anticipation. In this regard, it is em-    try  to  foster  human  dignity,  to  promote
                phasised that spirituality is closely related to   sound vales for the preservation and con-
                the capacity of the human spirit to discover       servation  of  life  and  to  empower  humans
                purposefulness in life and to deal with ulti-      to live to the full capacity of their lives by
                mate values regarding destiny and fate.            means of justice and a non-discriminatory
             •  Spirituality is used to describe a kind of in-     understanding of equality. It tries to nurture
                terplay between schemata of interpretation         and cultivate a reconciliatory spirit that fo-
                (a hermeneutics of life) and a sense of cal-       cuses on harmony and peace.
                ling and vocation wherein the realm of the     •  As  an  exponent  of  spiritual  healing,  soul
                beyond play a decisive role. Spirituality em-      in soul care refers to the whole of our hu-
                phasises that there is more in life that can       man being. It is more comprehensive than
                be seen and observed on a phenomenologi-           merely spirit, ego, self-awareness, cognitive
                cal level by means of sheer observation and        structuring,  psychic  coherence,  and  iden-
                sensual awareness. In this sense, spirituality     tity.  It  describes  the  quality  of  human  re-
                is  used  to  describe  an  affiliation  between   lationships in terms of ultimate values and
                meaningful  living,  a  purposed  driven  life     an  integral  sense  of  wholeness,  peace  and
                and the realm of transcendence.                    constructive anticipatory modes of hoping.
             •  Spirituality refers to the meta-realm of life.     Soul  care,  thus,  wants  to  promote  human
                Even in physics, one has to reckon with un-        wholeness and dignity within the dynamics
                expected events or issues that transcend a         and healing of life (cura vitae) (Louw 2008).
                causative approach (see quantum physics).          One can thus argue that the plight for hu-
             •  Spirituality links worldviews to basic prin-       man  rights  and  the  advocacy  for  human
                ciples,  convictions  and  assumptions  that       dignity can indeed be viewed as important
                can help people to cope with fate and trage-       issues on the agenda of pastoral caregiving
                dy. It refers to mystery in life and recognises    and  theology .  Humanitas  and  dignitas
                the sublime within the ridiculous.                 are becoming important topics in a pasto-
             •  Spirituality is used to describe the interplay     ral and spiritual reflection on the praxis of
                between a divine factor and religious expe-        caregiving. „Dignitas became closely asso-
                riences within devotional practices, rituals       ciated with humanitas as to be construed as
                of worship and attempts to be connected to         a synonym. To be able to say what dignity
                a deity or ‘god’.                                  is  would  be  to  describe  the  fundamental
             •  Spirituality refers to the psychic capacity in     meaning of being human’ (Meeks 1984: ix).
                the human spirit to transcend the limitati-        Dignity means to be human. ‘For this rea-
                ons of the human ego and personal capaci-          son, dignity has become the key concept in
                ties  of  self-understanding  in  the  direction   the  worldwide  struggle  for  human  rights’
                of  a  moral  awareness  and  a  conscientious     (Meeks 1984: ix). For Rombach (1987:379),
                sensitivity for a normative framework. Spi-        dignity then describes the humane human
                rituality links ethos to ethics and creates a      being (Der menschliche Mensch); the hu-
                sense  of  congruency  and  integrity  in  the     man being shaped by the social processes
                ego-structure  of  personal  orientation  and      of  identity  and  meaningful  space  (Identi-
                direction.                                         tät = a spiritual networking of meaning as
             •  pirituality represents a sacramental under-
                standing of life. Life as a whole is therefore   5  According  to  Huber  (1996:115),  the  concept  dignity
                sacred and should be treated with respect,     (dignitas) as a social category is primarily related to that
                                                               of honour (honor). As a theological category, it is traditi-
                simplicity and a kind of awe. In this regard,   onally associated with the notion of the imago dei (crea-
                spirituality  draws  on  sacred  texts,  written   ted in the image of God) (Huber 1996:115). Humanitas
                documents and oral traditions as embedded      and dignitas are currently dictating the agenda of public
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