Page 136 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 8
P. 136

Foundational Discussions in Christian Psychology

             tegories. Paul’s remarks should be read within    to estrangement and disorientation in life – in-
             his  eschatological  understanding  of  the  king-  toxication of life).
             dom of God and its implication for the new life
             in Christ.                                        The  intriguing  question  now  is  how  do  one
                                                               trace back signals of spirituality that function
             In some places in the New Testament, soul is      as possible expressions of soulfulness in our at-
             connected  to  spirit  (pneuma).  For  Paul  there   tempt to come to terms with life demands, and
             is interconnectedness between soul and spirit.    the quest to find spaces and places (safe havens)
             In some texts, the meaning is actually more or    which communicate peace as well as signals of
             less the same. When Paul indeed refers to spirit/  wholeness and transcendence?
             pneuma, he wants to describe a unique relati-
             onship between God and human beings. With         The following spiritual expressions can be de-
             reference to Christology, soul then becomes an    scribed  as  indicators/signals  of  soulfulness  in
             indication and expression of a very specific sta-  our life journey towards peace and healing. It
             te of being due to justification (salvation). One   can be applied in our attempt to make a spiri-
             can say that pneuma indicates the condition of    tual assessment (McSherry 2013:61) regarding
             the new person in Christ over against the con-    the value of life, the appropriateness of belief sy-
             dition of the old person, captured by death and   stems, the quality of our being human and the
             sin,  pneuma  constitutes  spiritual  wholeness   attempt of people to find meaning in life
             and a condition of a peaceful mind and hopeful
             state of being. In this regard the Spirit of God   •  Vocation and meaning: healing as a sense
             (pneumatology)  plays  a  fundamental  role  in       of purposefulness, belongingness and signi-
             Christian anthropology.                               ficance. The meaning-question boils down
                                                                   to the following: towards what? The what-
             To  sum  up:  With  aesthetics  in  soulfulness  is   issue in life refers to inter alia meaningful
             meant:  meaning,  healing,  hope,  compassion,        frameworks of interpretation that gives di-
             wise  decision-making,  helping  (support/ou-         rection  and  helps  one  to  commit  oneself
             treach), a sense of well-being and the ethos of       to  some-thing  or  some-body.  Vocation  is
             unconditional love. Wholeness without passion         embedded in a network and systemic dyna-
             and  compassion  easily  becomes  soullessness        mics of human relationships that appeal to
             and an ideological endeavour on an abstract ra-       the general fostering of human dignity and
             tional level of theoretical speculation.              human  rights.  Herewith  the  importance
             The dynamics of spiritual soulfulness can be ex-      of  the  interplay  between  communion  and
             pressed in terms of:                                  community.
                                                               •  Virtue and value: healing as sense of mo-
             (a) The quest for integration within experiences      ral integrity, responsibility (respondeo ergo
             of disintegration (congruence and consistency).       sum)  and  sensitivity.  Values  create  a  nor-
             (b) The quest for appropriate categories, philo-      mative framework for meaningful living. If
             sophies of life and paradigms to interpret life       values become internalized in customs and
             issues in a comprehensive way, as well within a       behaviour they attain the meaning of virtue
             constructive,  positive  perspective  (hermeneu-      and help to indicate direction, as well as an
             tics of life).                                        awareness of limitation, accountability and
             (c) The quest for healing and wholeness within        being empowered and equipped. Virtue and
             the existential realities of anxiety; guilt/shame;    value bring about authenticity, integrity and
             despair/dread; helplessness and loneliness; fru-      sincerity.
             stration and anger; greed and exploitation (mo-   •  Vision and hope: the healing sense of ex-
             des of human suffering and factors contributing       pectation,  anticipation  of  something  new
                                                                   and constructive change. The pivotal que-
             8 To speculate about a psychology of personhood by Paul,   stion in hoping and visioning is where to?
             is to overestimate his use of the concept. See Malina &
             Neyrey 1996:14-15).                                   In  this  regard,  healing-interventions  need

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