Page 131 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 8
P. 131
Foundational Discussions in Christian Psychology
God has cleansed and pronounced clean, do not To conclude: Wholeness is in the first place an
you defile and profane by regarding or calling it aesthetic category. Every single part of the hu-
common or unhallowed or unclean” (Acts 11:9, man anatomy partakes in the telos of the whole,
Amplified Bible). We are summoned to honour namely to represent the gracious presence of
God and to bring glory to him in our body (I God. In this sense, the human anatomy is soul-
Cor. 6:20). ful and can be called sacramental. Each part
and organ of the human anatomy is ‘holy’ and
Unfortunately, the human anatomy is not ren- should be used to heal the human soul. Healing
dered in every aspect as a vital aspect of soulful- in this regard is about the whole of beings func-
ness and beauty. For example, the genitals are tions reflecting the sacrificial presence of God
often used to refer to filthy and under the belt in all relationships. The challenge is to portray
jokes. They are not rendered as the aesthetics of and exhibit unconditional love, grace and ju-
the human soul. However, patients with a sto- stice. In this sense, human sexuality is a vital
ma discover rapidly the ‘beauty’ (efficiency) of part of a healing endeavour. The penis and the
having a normal and healthy anus. In the same vagina cannot be excluded in stereometric thin-
sense, the male penis and female vagina should king from the whole. In addition, the whole of
be rendered as elements of the human soul, in human life should promote human dignity and
essence beautiful, and not ugly. They are intrin- be used to combat stigmatisation, discrimina-
sically connected to the generation of life and tion and violent abuse of power. Pornography
the ‘beautification’ of human beings. sets in when any part of the body is isolated
from the whole. Destructive fragmentations,
Wholeness is therefore and inclusive concept. and the dualism between body and soul, con-
Soulfulness is synonymous with embodiment tribute to the danger that nakedness is reduced
and vice versa. Spiritual wholeness is not pos- to the instrumentalisation of the genitals. Wi-
sible without the wellness of the human body. thout commitment and trust erotic desire can
Human health includes corporeality; the hu- become vulgar. When the naked human body
man anatomy is an external reflection from the is abused for seduction and temptation and
‘inner’ beauty of the human soul and should be portrayed as merely ‘flesh’ without the spiritual
cultivated in hope care. dimension of faithful devotion, unconditional
love and compassionate intimacy, vulgarity and
promiscuity set in. The telos of the body is not
pure lust (eroticism: eros isolated from agapē)
but humane passion: compassionate intimacy.
‘Anatomy of the human soul’ as an integral component
of our being human within the dynamics of human re-
lationships, and the human quest for intimacy and un-
conditional love. The human encounter is always about
an anatomic encounter within a bodily space and specific
attitude (being function) (habitus). As a qualitative ca-
tegory, the aesthetics of the human genitals and organs;
as exemplification of embodied spirituality, are designed
to express fulfilment and joy. The penis and vagina are
not dirty and designed for rape but for compassionate in-
timacy and the enhancement of human dignity, thus an
object of beautification and soulful delight.
1 Online:
Accessed: 16/06/2014 (For academic purpose only).