Page 135 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 8
P. 135

Foundational Discussions in Christian Psychology

             vulnerability, are fundamental ingredients of a   human spirit. The difference resides in the telic
             Christian realism. Hope, meaning and healing      dimension of habitus: the quality and mode of
             are  intrinsically  connected  to  a  wisdom  that   being functions within the networking dimen-
             reckons human suffering not as fate and trage-    sion of human relationships. It is determined in
             dy but as ‘signals of transcendence’, reminding   a religious understanding of ‘soulfulness’ by the
             faith  of  the  faithfulness  of  a  covenantal  God   belief system and God-image.
             to his promises of peace and salvation (Louw
             2015:1-50).                                       From a Christian perspective the endeavour is
                                                               to go back to the Pauline roots of spirituality be-
                                                               cause in later developments, spirituality (spiri-
              Towards an integral model in pastoral an-        tualitas) came to designate the non-material in
                              thropology                       contrast to the material (materialitas or corpo-
                Systemic dynamics of the human soul:           ralitas) (Ryan 1997:11). The reclaiming of spiri-
                          nēfēsh-disposition                   tuality as a means to articulate the humane va-
             But what about the human spirit (pneuma) in       lue and meaning of life, can be linked to Paul’s
             an integral model for anthropology?               assumption that the ‘spirit’ within the human
                                                               person is all that is ordered, led, or influenced
             The following question surfaces: but where fits   by the Pneuma Theou or Spiritus Dei, whereas
                                                                                         sarx or caro or flesh
                                                                                         is opposed to the de-
                                                                                         stiny of God for life.
                                                                                         Spirit  and  flesh  de-
                                                                                         signate two different
                                                                                         ways or directions of
                                                                                         life.  When  1  Corin-
                                                                                         thians 2:14-15 refers
                                                                                         to  the  ‘spiritual per-
                                                                                         son’ it is not referring
                                                                                         to a kind of escapism
                                                                                         from  the  existential
                                                                                         realities  of  life,  but
                                                                                         a  different  orienta-
                                                                                         tion  that  is  guided
                                                                                         by  the  principles
                                                                                         of  the  kingdom  of
                                                                                         God. Ryan (1997:10)
                                                                                         clearly  points  out
                                                                                         that  the  contrast  is
                                                                                         between two ways of
             the human spirit (pneuma) and therefore, the      life or attitudes to life (life views, paradigmatic
             spiritual realm into this picture of the dynamics   frameworks) rather than between the material
             of the human soul?                                and immaterial world.

             One  must  acknowledge  that  it  is  actually  im-  In 1 Thessalonians 5:23 Paul speaks about the
             possible to portray the dimension of the spirit   trichotomy of spirit, soul and body. The impli-
             and its representation of the existential realm of   cation however is not a threefold division, but
             life. However, the argument is that spirituality   different perspectives within a unity. The text
             brings about cohesion and a sense of integrati-   should not be exploited and misused for a phi-
             on and wholeness. Every element and dimen-        losophical  or  psychological  speculation  about
             sion is an ingredient of what can be called the   three different entities and anthropological ca-

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