Page 137 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 8
P. 137

Foundational Discussions in Christian Psychology

                imagination and the creativity of aesthetic      the dynamic interplay between vocation, virtue,
                thinking, namely what may contribute to a        vitality, volition and hope. Together they con-
                common good and the well-being of human          tribute to the dynamics of spiritual wholeness.
                life. With the beautification of life is meant   With reference to wisdom thinking, informed
                a  vision  that  can  enhance  human  dignity    decision making (in the light of sound values
                and empower human beings around issues           and a normative system for human behaviour)
                of  justice,  equal  worth,  reconciliation  and   creates a sense of soulfulness and meaning.
                forgiveness.                                      Ethos, a mode of being, is never totally neutral.
             •  Volition  and  courage/boldness:  healing  as    In wisdom thinking ethos, the mode of human
                sense  of  devotion,  commitment  and  ou-       being, is directed by kenotic love. Ethos helps
                treach  despite  resistance.  Volition  expres-  to structure normative behaviour and in most
                ses  different  levels  of  motivation.  It  deals   cases  deal  with  questions  regarding  the inter-
                with  the  question:  why  (reason)?  It  boils   play between good and bad (evil). Soulfulness
                to being functions that is fuelled by a kind     is thus connected to the anthropological notion
                of sustainability and willingness to endure      of conscience as kind of moral alarming system
                suffering with patience and reasonable in-       (moral sensitivity) in processes of healing. The
                sight.  Soulfulness  is  about  questions  that   further argument is that empathy and sympathy
                keeps  one  going  when  all  human  logic  is   are not merely about emotional fluctuation, but
                contradicted by the many paradoxes in life.      are embedded in a basic sense of responsibili-
                Volition  presupposes  the  quality  of  being   ty  and  respond-ability  (respondeo  ergo  sum).
                functions: to be there for the other despite     In this regard, a shift from achievement ethics
                contradiction.                                   towards sacrificial ethics (grace and love) beco-
             •  Vitality and embodiment: healing as a sense      mes paramount.
                of aliveness (elan vital). Vitality represents
                different levels of physical wellness and op-
                timal levels of health. Sickness and impair-       Spiritual expressions/signals of embodied
                ments,  ailments  and  disability  or  disfigu-               human soulfulness
                rement play a decisive role in soulfulness.
                Questions  regarding  physical  abilities  are
                related  to  bodily  needs,  corporeal  desires,
                the  senses  and  the  sensual  realm  of  em-
                bodiment. The fact is that we do not have
                a body, we are our body. A corporeal sen-
                se of aliveness is imperative for a wholistic
                understanding of soulfulness in anthropo-
                logy. Care for the body and nutrition should
                therefore be rendered as spiritual issues as

             It has been argued that the spiritual dimensi-
             on,  with  its  emphasis  on  meaning,  virtue,  vi-
             sion, courage and embodiment, functions as a
             coherence factor in embodies soulfulness. The
             spirituality  of  pneuma  contributes  to  the  dy-
             namics of integration between all the different
             anthropological  dimensions;  the  ethos  of  un-
             conditional love intends to articulate a sense of
             unity and wholeness in human embodiment.
             The diagram below is an attempt to come up with
             a depiction of an integral model. It illustrates

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