Page 139 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 8
P. 139

Foundational Discussions in Christian Psychology

             Sam Berg (Canada)

             Comment to                                           Sam Berg, D.Min.
                                                                  is  a  Registered
             “Human Embodiment                                    Marriage     and
                                                                  Family  Therapist
             as Soulfulness. “                                    in  Canada,  and
                                                                  a  Clinical  Fellow
                                                                  and    Approved
             Professor Daniel Louw has written a thoughtful       Supervisor in the
             and provocative paper presenting a holistic, bi-     American  Asso-
             blical, and Christocentric vision of the human       ciation  of  Mar-
             being. He begins with a critique of the histori-     riage  and  Family
             cal, Christian theological  anthropology of  the     Therapists.
             sinfulness of the human being, and through a         He currently serves as the Director of Coun-
             listing of the rich biblical vocabulary concludes    selling Services at The Caring Place, a faith-
             that the Bible presents not a depiction of hu-       based  counselling  center  in  Regina,  SK.
             mans as ontologically sinful, but as such in their   Previously, he was the Co-ordinator of the
             decisions and actions. This leaves room for an       Marriage and Family Counselling program
             appreciation of original goodness as declared by     at Briercrest Seminary at Caronport, SK. He
             God in Genesis 1. The declaration presents not       has served the counselling profession in se-
             only God’s evaluation of his creation, but his de-   veral board positions.
             light in it, and this delight forms the ground for                              Article by Sam:
             the appreciation of its beauty.                         
             Several  pieces  of  the  paper  evoke  further
             thought. First, his notion of stereometric thin-
             king (a new word for me) is an explanation of     lock  (The  Doctrine  of  Humanity,  InterVarsity
             how  the  whole  person  may  be  viewed,  as  we   Press, 1996) has pointed out we bear the image
             understand the parts superimposed upon each       of God as individual humans, as male and fe-
             other and each contributing to the visualization   male together, and as the collective human race
             of the whole. Pertinent to this is the sexual diffe-  (perhaps another place where we need to think
             rentiation between male and female. I especial-   stereometrically).
             ly appreciated his discussion of pornography in   All of this of course presents us with the que-
             this context as an objectification of the human   stion, “So what?” Better, we must ask how this
             being, perhaps even a dis-integration of the ste-  understanding of humanity might be applied in
             reometric  quality  so  that  the  genitals  become   our pastoral and counselling work. Here, Louw
             toys rather than organs of creativity, not only in   presents a vivid and compelling description of
             the concrete sense but also in the metaphoric     the aesthetic telos of the stereometric view, in
             sense.                                            his “V” list. I found this to be a fulsome descrip-
             In this regard, I have a couple of questions for   tion of a vision of the “good life” that all those
             professor  Louw.  First,  it  would  have  been  in-  involved in the sacrificial ethic of ministry to
             teresting  to  read  of  his  thoughts  on  the  “one   others  must  have.  Even  though  we  recognize
             flesh” result of the male/female union, and wh-   that our pastoral involvement in live of those
             ether and how this fulfills further our soulful   we are called to serve is always incomplete, we
             embodiment. This consideration raises for me      must  nevertheless  have  an  understanding  of
             the related questions of how sexual diversity as   what the end result of our work might be. His
             described in the LGBT literature may be evalu-    description of Vocation, Virtue and value, Visi-
             ated in light of stereometry. Additionally, while   on and hope, Volition and courage, and Vitality
             he hints at communality (I greatly appreciated    and embodiment, provide such a telos. The last,
             his linking of communality and communion),        vitality and embodiment, brings his argument
             it lead me to wonder about how the nephesh        full circle.
             might  be  understood  communally.  As  Sher-     Thank you, Professor Louw.
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