Page 124 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 8
P. 124

Foundational Discussions in Christian Psychology

             In many cases in Western, Christian reflection    be a starting point for the design of a theologi-
             on anthropology (theory formation), Platonism     cal anthropology that incorporates the corpore-
             determined reflection on the interplay between    al dimension of our being human? Within the
             the human soul and our bodily existence. In the   scope of a praxis of hope care and the critical
             interpretation of the relationship between body   realism of spiritual wholeness, how should one
             and  soul,  a  Hellenistic  dualism  rather  than  a   view the meaning and character of our being
             Hebrew systems thinking prevails. Due to the      human and what is the role of human embo-
             one sided emphasis on human sinfulness, the       diment within a holistic approach and integral
             body is esteemed as being from a lower order.     understanding  of  soulfulness  as  embodiment
             Caregiving should thus focus predominantly on     and embodiment as soulfulness?
             the salvation of a substantial and immortal soul.
             Man has lost his/her sense for value, dignity and   At stake is the question: How can pastoral ca-
             purposefulness.                                   regiving contribute to the healing of human life
                                                               and the aesthetics of the human soul? Is it pos-
             The consequence of a negative and pessimistic     sible  to  incorporate  human  embodiment  and
             anthropology is that life has become a toilsome   human sexuality as an integral part of spiritual
             endeavour  and  burdensome  struggle  against     wholeness?
             nausea,  nothingness  and  sinfulness  (failure).
             Sin always casts a devastating shadow over the    The human being: totally corrupted - the un-
             human quest for meaning and the attempt to        fortunate twisting of life
             design  a  constructive  theology  of  human  af-  Within the history of orthodox, Christian faith,
             firmation. Caregivers know how to admonish.       the confessions of the church were mostly con-
             How to affirm and nurture the ‘good of creati-    cerned with the formulation and definition of
             on’ seems always to be a kind of theological em-  “true faith”. Faith is designed for rational for-
             barrassment for theologians that are trained to   mulae not for aesthetic experiences. Ecclesiasti-
             condemn rather than to bless.                     cal councils, synods and clergy wanted to de-
                                                               fend ecclesial doctrine against heresy. Theology
             Rather  than  stereometric  and  systems  thin-   was designed to please God (it should be ortho-
             king,  analytical  thinking  dominates  reflection   dox), not to please humans (orthopraxis). Faith
             in theory formation on the interconnectedness     is a serious business, not a playful enjoyment.
             between body and soul. Applied to anthropolo-     Questions  about  right  and  wrong,  good  and
             gy, the human body is seen as a kind of prison    evil, were more ‘spiritual’ than questions about
             for the human soul. Due to this Platonic dua-     sensual beauty and bodily pleasure.
             lism, body and soul are viewed as two opposite,
             polar categories. Applied to the field of pasto-  It often happened in the history of the Christian
             ral caregiving, the impression was left that soul   faith that in terms of a dualistic and Hellenistic
             care is merely interested in a disembodied soul   interpretation of sinfulness and human embo-
             and not in the enjoyment of bodily health and     diment  (sarx),  that  sinfulness  had  been  asso-
             sexual delight.                                   ciated with sexual desires and bodily needs. Sin
                                                               has been viewed as a substantial category and
              But should we start with fall in the design of a   evil principle inherent to all flesh.
             pastoral anthropology or rather with grace (the
             eschatological perspective of salvation and he-   However, if one scrutinize the different concepts
             aling)?                                           used in the Biblical text to describe human sin,
                                                               they point more to the direction of abhorrent,
             The core anthropological question in this essay   disobedient behaviour, immoral responses and
             is: if a theological anthropology does not start   dysfunctional  relationships,  than  substantial
             with sin or the fall, or with a romantic assess-  categories emanating from a predestined ordi-
             ment of the good in human beings due to an        nation or inherent evil cosmic principle.
             ‘optimistic incarnation-humanism’, what should    The following concepts in the Old Testament re-

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