Page 129 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 8
P. 129

Foundational Discussions in Christian Psychology

             his reflection on life and its purpose, it was all   The  criterion  cannot  be  sexual  excitement  or
             about the attempt how to bridge the gap bet-      fantasy, because then any stimulation or visual
             ween God and human beings by means of the         impression related to sexual connotations and
             aesthetics of beauty, the expression of love and   to sex will fall under the category of pornogra-
             the  imaging  of  art.  The  beauty  of  the  cosmic   phy.
             body within its imperfect earthly realm, as well
             as the attempt to depict it in painting and sculp-  Pornography  refers  very  specifically  to  sexu-
             turing, serve as a vehicle to glorify God.        al exploitation and the dehumanisation of sex
                                                               so that human beings are treated as things or
             For Michelangelo imaging in art is iconic be-     commodities  (Court  1990:929).  Pornography
             cause it is helping him to approach the perfect   points in the direction of the depiction or the
             beauty of God (Schoeman 2009:559). To captu-      description of the unequal misuse of power and
             re human embodiment is to capture the ensoul-     violent  sexuality  (physical  and  psychological
             ment of life and the aesthetics of God.           violence against others and oneself) promoting
                                                               promiscuity. The genitals then become playful
             The naked human body: anatomy of the hu-          tools  (the  instrumentalisation  of  physiology)
             man soul                                          not intimate icons to celebrate the beauty of life.
             Within Greek art the naked human body and its     The advantage of the Michelangelo perspective
             perfect symmetry equals beauty and should be      on the aesthetics of human embodiment is that
             assessed as a piece of art. Spivey (2006 75) re-  introduces  a  paradigm  shift  in  anthropology
             fers to the canonization of human embodiment      from the hedonistic perspective of promiscuity
             in art by Polyclitus. For Polykleitos the human   to the aesthetic perspective of beauty, from the
             body is from an aesthetic point of view perfect   performance of sexuality to the enjoyment of
             due to the tension between symmetry, balance      sexuality. In fact, the human body and the geni-
             and harmony. The naked human body therefore       tals are not designed to destroy and to ruin, but
             reflects  dynamics,  balance  and  harmony  not   to heal, to beautify and to console, to comfort,
             pornography .                                     to bestow compassion in life.

             Pornography is derived from two Greek words,      The  further  implication  is  that  every  part  of
             pornay  and  graphay  (Melton  et  al.  1989:68).   the  human  anatomy  becomes  a  representati-
             Pornay is derived from peraymi that means ‘to     on of the whole, namely the soulfulness of life.
             sell’, usually in reference to a slave or prostitute   The  human  anatomy  participates  in  the  noti-
             for hire. Graphay refers to that which is written,   on of the image of God and cannot be exclu-
             inscribed, or pictured. “Pornography” then li-    ded from the spiritual destiny of humankind,
             terally means to picture or describe prostitutes,   i.e. to represent God and his grace. The whole
             with the connotation of an unequal slave/ma-      of the human soul is enfleshed in every part.
             ster relationship.                                Nothing about the human anatomy and func-
             Pornography is therefore not nakedness as such    tioning can be called filthy or dirty. For examp-
             (see the statute of David by Michelangelo and     le, in the Old Testament excretion like semen
             the paintings in the Sistine Chapel), or explicit   was rendered as ‘unclean’. According to the es-
             sexual pictures or portrayals of sexual acts, or   chatological perspective, nothing can anymore
             erotic material, stimulating sexual excitement.   be rendered as unclean. The whole of life and
                                                               the  entire  cosmos  are  under  the  rule  of  God
                                                               and serve the glorification of the Creator. With
             4  During  Pius  V’s  pontificate,  the  Congregation  of  the   reference  to  Psalm  24:1;  50:12,  1  Corinthians
             Council of Trent decided, on January 11th, 1564, to have   10:26 declares that the whole earth is the Lord’s
             the private parts cover. The most pornographic decision   and everything that is in it. After Pentecost Pe-
             in the history of Christian spirituality! Pope Paul IV there-
             fore summoned the House of Carafa Daniele da Volterra   ter has to discover nothing, even pork, is holy
             to cover the genitals. The artist who did the covering was   and partakes in the glory and holiness of God.
             given the name “Braghettone” meaning”trouser painter”   Nothing can be called anymore unclean. “What
             (Néret 2006:78).
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