Page 122 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 8
P. 122
Foundational Discussions in Christian Psychology
Daniël J. Louw
Human Embodiment
as Soulfulness.
‘Anatomy of the Human Professor Daniël
Soul’ in a Pastoral studied at the Uni-
versity of Stellen-
Anthropology and bosch (South Af-
Theological Aesthetics rica), and subse-
quently at Tübin-
gen (Germany) for the D.Phil. degree (1972),
the topic of which was: Future between hope
and anxiety: The influence of the ontology of
the not yet on the philosophy of hope (E Bloch)
Antropologie in die Christelike tradisie was and the theology of hope (J Moltmann). In
hoofsaaklik deur twee paradigmatiese stro- 1983 he attained the D.Th.-degree at the Uni-
minge bepaal: (a) die Platoniese dualism tussen versity of Stellenbosch on the following topic:
liggaam en siel, en (b) die pessimistiese siening Hope in suffering: Pastoral care within an es-
dat die menslike ligaam bloot ‘vlees’ is en in ver- chatological perspective.
band staan met verganklikhied en sondigheid.
Die misterie van menslike broosheid is dan di- In 1978 Prof Louw started teaching as a lectu-
rek verbind aan wêreldgelykvormigheid, son- rer at the University of Stellenbosch, Faculty
digheid en Godelike oordeel en straf. Daar is of Theology. From 1990-1994 he was an Asso-
egter ook ‘n ander perspektief moontlik, naam- ciate Professor in Practical Theology and since
lik om ‘n Christelike antropologie te bedink va- 1995 he has been Professor and Head of the
nuit ‘n stereometriese benadering binne ‘n teo- Department of Practical Theology. Dean fa-
logiese estetika. Daarom die argument dat elke culty of theology: 2001-2005; President of the
deel van die menslike anatomie verteenwoordig International Academy of Practical Theology
‘n vorm van singewing en estetiese kwaliteit wat (IAPT, 2003-2005), President International
dui op die genieting, waardering en heelmaking Council for Pastoral Care and Counselling
van die totaliteit van lewe (cura vitae). Heling in (ICPPC) for 2011-2015.
‘n spirituele antropologie van menslike beligga-
ming is ‘n integrale deel van sinsoeke en kan by His special field of interest and research is pa-
monde van die sosioloog Peter Berger beskryf storal care and counselling; pastoral anthropo-
word as ‘duidinge’ en ‘tekens’ van transenden- logy and human dignity; hospital care; mar-
sie. Daarmee word bedoel dat lewe kwalitatief riage and family enrichment, theodicy, theo-
gedui word deur die etos van offerliefde en die paschitic theology and the human quest for
spirituele dimensie van ‘n eucharistiese modus meaning in suffering.
van intimiteit, onvoorwaardelike liefde, diako-
niese barmhartigheid en genadige deernis. As He is the author of several major books and
illustrasie van ‘n integrale en holistiese antropo- over 85 articles in accredited journals.
logie, is twee diagramme vir ‘n diagnostiese en His home language is Africaans.
hermeneutiese benadering ontwerp.