Page 119 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 8
P. 119

Christian Psychology alive

             Mission                                             teer, a patient finds a friend who is present to
             HospiVision facilitates the establishment of su-    listen, support and encourage as they face suf-
             stainable integrated support and developmen-        fering or the crisis of a life-threatening illness.
             tal programmes that reach out to and serve the      HospiVision  also  has  professional  volunteers
             sick, vulnerable and disadvantaged, their fami-     who offer their services as part of community
             lies and those who care for them.                   engagement.

             Values                                              We  follow  a  collaborative  partnerships  model
             HospiVision  is  committed  to  spiritual  values   which includes the following role players:
             such  as  respect,  responsibility,  integrity,  love,
             fairness and service. Ownership by the commu-       •      HospiVision staff and volunteers
             nity, church, family and individuals involved, is   •      Hospitals
             encouraged. HospiVision promotes a culture of       •      Other organizations
             lifelong learning and development.                  •      Donors
                                                                 •      Communities
             4.1.2 Guiding principles                            •      Training institutions and universities

             HospiVision  follows  a  holistic  people-centred   As  a  non-profit  organization,  creative  com-
             approach  which  includes  the  following  ele-     munication  and  resource  mobilization  is  part
             ments:                                              of our core business. We use a variety of com-
                                                                 munication  channels,  both  printed  and  elec-
             •  A Bio-psychosocial and spiritual approach        tronic to communicate with our staff and our
             •  A re-visioning of the understanding of “Bio”     donor community. Donor’s include individuals,
                to include all aspects of the person’s physical   churches, businesses, local and national foun-
                life                                             dations and in some cases international donors.
             •  From  “person-centered”  to  “people-cen-        We also have a variety of fundraising events.
                tered”  with  the  focus  on  the  hospital  as  a
                community                                        As a non-profit organization sustainability is a
             •  Contextually relevant programs which take        goal  we  work  towards.  This  means  that  apart
                into account limited resources, poverty and      from donor funding we also generate other in-
                lack of support systems. This is true of pati-   come streams through training, social support
                ents, families and staff.                        programmes  and  the  development  of  income
             •  Adaptation to diverse health care contexts,      generating  programs.  This  includes  various
                from academic, district, township and rural      skills training, crafts, sewing, baking and gar-
                hospitals and specialized settings such as re-   dening activities. In doing this we do not only
                habilitation hospitals.                          create opportunities for people who access our
             •  Trained staff working as part of the multi       services but also create income for the organi-
                professional health care team                    zation.
             •  On site services: Hospitals provide facilities
                from  where  our  services  are  rendered.  In   In terms of organizational support and develop-
                some cases we also provide 24 hour crisis        ment we place a high value on the following:
                and trauma support services, for example at
                the Accident and Emergency unit of Steve         •  Governance, management and administra-
                Biko Academic Hospital.                             tive systems
                                                                 •  Monitoring, evaluation and reporting
             As  a  Faith-based  organization  HospiVisi-        •  Partnership development and management
             on  creates  a  context  and  community  to  find
             meaning  in  suffering.  Volunteers  from  local
             congregations provide a valuable service to re-
             ach out to patients, family and staff. In a volun-

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