Page 120 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 8
P. 120

Christian Psychology alive

             4.1.3 Programs                                      5. Conclusion
                                                                 Spirituality,  spiritual  and  pastoral  work,  the
             We provide the following programs:                  faith-based  community  and  faith-based  orga-
                                                                 nizations can make a valuable contribution to
             Hospi-Care (Touching lives)                         holistic people-centred healthcare in South Af-
                                                                 rica. We are faced with a complex interpretive
             •  Spiritual  and  emotional  support,  care  and   task because, on the one hand, this must take
                counselling  to  patients,  their  families  and   place within an African context and world view.
                caregivers.                                      On the other hand the modern healthcare envi-
             •  Employee assistance programs                     ronment will require that we must work within
             •  Trauma support and counselling                   a well-defined framework. We need to develop
             •  Hospi-Kids:  care  and  support  to  sick,  or-  a framework which is theologically grounded,
                phaned  and  vulnerable  children,  in  parti-   contextually  relevant  (for  the  South  African
                cular those infected or affected by HIV &        healthcare  environment),  inclusive  and  plura-
                AIDS in the family and/or living with a life-    listic (making room for Western medicine and
                threatening illness (e.g. cancer)                African worldviews, culture and practices). Our
             •  Counselling centre: trauma counselling, be-      approach should be empirically and methodo-
                reavement support and professional health        logically sound and consistent, as well as evi-
                care related counselling services                dence based (taking note of and developing best
                                                                 practice policies and procedures for the South
             Hospi-Help (Giving hope)                            African context). Key to this will be the creative
                                                                 mobilization, use and management of available

             •  Physical and nutritional support                 and potential physical and human resources.
             •  Skills training and socio-economic develop-
                ment programs for people living with HIV         Having said this, we must constantly be remin-
                and AIDS, chronic illness and disability         ded that there are more to the human being and
             •  Community support and engagement                 his/or  her  existence  than  what  can  be  resear-
             •  Volunteer  recruitment,  selection,  training    ched, described and evaluated. ‘Spirituality’ and
                and mentoring                                    ‘health’ will always have elements that will not
             •  Accredited training for volunteer and pro-       comply  with  nomothetic  knowledge  systems.
                fessional  caregivers,  companies,  as  well  as   Crisis, trauma, illness, loss, suffering and death
                community and faith based leaders                is part of our human condition and will con-
             •  Marketing,  communication  and  resource         tinue to challenge our conceptual frameworks
                mobilization                                     and quest to find meaning in the midst thereof.
             •  Radio pulpit

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