Page 118 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 8
P. 118
Christian Psychology alive
health and wellbeing. The church is a subsystem also an important resource to support health-
of the community and as such can influence the care workers in their commitment to provide
community and society (Magezi 2008:273). As compassionate care.
much as the church, a clinic or a hospital must It is clear that spirituality, spiritual and pastoral
also be considered as part of the community work and FBCs/FBOs have an essential role to
and the church (FBCs and FBOs) can make play in the provision of holistic people-centred
an important contribution to the function and healthcare. This is internationally recognized
impact of these facilities. The church also has and there are already excellent best practice
access to and can offer physical and human re- models available. However, the nature and ex-
courses to the community, part of which can be tent of this contribution in the South African
health related (Magezi 2008:274). The church context and how it can be enhanced is not easy
provides social and community cohesion and to define.
its leaders can play an important role in societal
and moral transformation (Magezi 2008:274). 4. HospiVision: A South African case study
Magezi (2012:167) pleads for the repositioning Hospivision traces its roots back to a decision
of churches from the periphery to the centre by Christian Doctors and Ministers to build a
in order to make a meaningful contribution to chapel in the Pretoria General Hospital during
public healthcare and indicates three areas of 1945. This chapel was inaugurated in 1956.
participation: increasing access to primary and From this base “pastoral services” was provi-
preventive care, improving delivery and qua- ded until 1996, mainly by the Dutch Reformed
lity of healthcare and improving patients’ self- Church. By this time the name of the Hospital
management of their disease. FBOs and CBOs was changed to Pretoria Academic Hospital. In
can also play an important role in community 1996 a chaplain’s position, funded by the Dutch
healthcare and primary healthcare. De Gruchy Reformed Church, was discontinued. Churches
(2007) has indicated the value that religion can in the area become involved and this lead to the
add to health in the following areas: Religion of- establishment of a Faith-Based organization
fers presence; Religion offers an integration of called HospiVision, which was formally registe-
tangible and intangible health promoting fac- red as a Non-Profit Organization in 1999. The
tors; Religion offers relationships and networks; Pretoria Academic Hospital had by then relo-
Religion offers an interpretive framework. cated to a new hospital called Steve Biko Aca-
demic Hospital. HospiVision chose to follow an
What needs to be added is that the faith-based ecumenical and non-denominational route and
community also provides context for care, com- to provide spiritual care to all patients, family
passion and hope. People throughout history and staff, irrespective of religious orientation.
have dealt with illness, loss, suffering, trauma The organization also set a goal to make spiri-
and pain in spiritual ways. According to Louw tual care services available in other hospitals, as
(2008:118-122) illness must be seen as a conflict the trend to discontinue formal chaplain’s posi-
and existential crisis. It causes conflict with the tions, continued in other denominations. Cur-
body, the self (identity crisis), the environment, rently HospiVision renders it services in hospi-
and a crisis of faith and ultimately an existential tals in Pretoria, Johannesburg and Cape Town.
life crisis in which our sense of purposefulness
and direction is questioned. Illness further th- 4.1 The HospiVision model
reatens our will to live, confronts us with our 4.1.1 Organizational identity
finites and mortality as well as with our past Vision: Touching lives. Giving hope.
actions and its consequences for the future. Re- HospiVision touches the lives of sick and vul-
presentatives of that community (whether pro- nerable people and those around them through
fessional or volunteer) build a bridge to the faith spiritual and emotional care, counseling and
community to communicate that we are part of physical support, and gives them hope through
a bigger group who share in our humanity and developmental empowering programmes.
vulnerability. The faith-based community is