Page 13 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 7
P. 13
an arts might once again enter the mainstream sophy of art that has produced little in terms
of culture. Now, I believe that an authentic ar- of real art. On the other hand, we have been
tist must not weigh the questions of “success” blessed by a few extraordinary creative geni-
or “failure” in worldly terms. What matters is uses in this land. They set their own course and
fidelity to the vocation of the artist—to create most of them were self-taught.
works that are beautiful and true—this is the The genuine art of the country is found at the
real success. grassroots level, where the gift of making beau-
present day (2014):
Werner: A look into the future: Did you have tiful things cannot be extinguished by artificial
any special plans as a painter? social/cultural constructs. Man is a maker by
nature. He ponders his world and sees its my-
Michael: To continue as I have been, hopeful- stery and its beauty and he yearns to express it.
ly always growing in skill and in sensitivity to He experiences wonder, which is at the founda-
inspirations. As long as my eyesight lasts. Until tion of wisdom, philosophy, poetics…. indeed
the last heartbeat. at the root of love.
Werner: One last question. This edition of the The country of Canada (as distinct from the
magazine has the focus country Canada. In- “nation” or “society”) has been an enormous gift
fluenced this you as a person and as an artist to me. Outside of the cities, our vast spaces, the
that you live in this country? shocking beauty of our wilderness, the silence,
saturate human consciousness and can lead us
Michael: I have lived relatively isolated from the to inner attention, even to reverence for being
large cities where the fermentation and dyna- itself—and for the Creator of all being. For me,
mism of most Canadian culture happens. Ca- the solitudes have been full of presence, the si-
nada has suffered for many decades under an lence full of mystery “speaking” to us. We live
enormous State-funded culture, alongside com- on the edge of the infinite. And I think this has
mercialized culture restricted by a narrow and been a major influence on my consciousness.
sterile aesthetics, a social revolutionary philo-