Page 9 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 7
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scholarship entails and how it can foster a Chri- Kelvin E. Mutter examines Mindfulness-Based
stian psychology that is richer and deeper than Stress Reduction (MBSR) practices and its ap-
the “modern psychology baptized with Scriptu- propriateness for use with Christian clients. He
re” approaches that are prevalent today. Chri- concludes that there is an essential incompa-
stian psychology will be strengthened if it is tibility in the underlying meanings associated
informed by various Christian traditions while with MBSR and Christian spiritual practices
increasing its presence in mainstream psycho- which renders the “Christianizing” of MBSR
logy. Such scholarship should be persuasive and techniques inappropriate.
will play a missional role, even if that is not the Sharon Habermann shares with us how her
primary aim. Kosits envisions a discipline foun- faith has played a role in her work at a secular
ded firmly upon God, the realization of which chronic pain clinic. She is encouraged by the
will require courage and humility in the face of openness of the healthcare profession to reco-
great challenges as we strive to glorify Him. gnize clients’ spiritual and religious wellbeing
Relationship is a central concept in both theo- as an important factor in the process of coping
logy and psychology and we understand that and healing. In a subsequent article, she also as-
man, as an image-bearer of God, is inherently a sembles a collection of Providence Theological
relational being. Relational therapy recognizes Seminary student reflections on articles from
the importance of relationships and, as E. Janet EMCAPP’s 5th edition (USA). In these papers,
Warren argues, reflects the relational characte- students provide thoughtful discourse about
ristics of God. The task of the Christian psycho- inspiration they found in topics related to wor-
logist, then, is to actively reflect God’s patterns king out one’s identity as a Christian therapist,
of relating as an image-bearer in the therapeutic the neurological underpinnings of authentic
relationship. In a second article, E. Janet War- change, and the implications of multiple ratio-
ren calls for new metaphorical language to de- nalities and postmodern skepticism for Christi-
scribe God’s dealing with sin. As an alternative an theology and psychology.
to traditional spiritual warfare language, sin is Reflecting on his experience as an educator at
represented as dirt and God exercises authori- Trinity Western University, John Auxier obser-
ty over sacred space through cleansing or “holy ves how the culture of higher education often
housekeeping”. promotes an “obsessive-compulsive workaho-
Sam Berg demonstrates how theological positi- lism” which inhibits student authenticity. He
ons regarding the imago Dei influence the way then goes on to describe how this lead him to
we interact with clients. In contrast to original restructure a course on “Theological Issues in
sin and total depravity, he argues that we need Counseling”. Rather than providing an over-
to see the inherent good in people and help view of theological themes common to many
them to recover the goodness that was in man client problems, the course instead focussed on
before the fall. When we do, rather than seeing the theme of forgiveness. This allowed for de-
the person as the problem we will begin to see eper reflection on, and critical evaluation of, a
a person with a problem and respond accordin- single area which not only served as a model
gly. for exploring other themes, but also enhanced
Walter Thiessen outlines a theoretical two-di- students’ own spiritual formation as well.
mensional model of spiritual development as Contemplative prayer is a deeply experiential
an alternative to James Fowler’s popular faith encounter with the Mystery of God. Jackie Stin-
development theory. The first dimension repre- ton shares her journey of discovery and practice
sents a continuum of maturity (complexity and of contemplative prayer and introduces these
integrity) while the second represents several techniques to a small group of individuals. In
recurring themes which individuals deal with her article she presents survey data collected
throughout life. from participants regarding their definition,
One task of Christian psychology is the critical meaning, experience, and objections to con-
evaluation of existing theories and interventi- templative practices.
ons in mainstream psychology. In his article, Expanding on Gilbert Durand’s theory of the