Page 108 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 7
P. 108

Christian Psychology alive

             impossibility” (Kaufman, 1974; Watson, 2014).          Laura Vander
             When  modern  philosophers  began  to  realize         Velden  (PhD
             that their rationalist truth claims were in fact no    (cand.),  MA,
             different than any of the earlier authority claims     BRE)  is  an
             of  religious  or  ideological  truth  claims  in  the   alumni   of
             sense that they are all ultimately based upon the      Providence
             same breed of unverifiable subjective assumpti-        Theological
             ons about reality, modern philosophy began a           S emin a r y
             slow process of implosion, and it has in some          (MA in Theo-
             measure been replaced by the radical critiques         logical  Stu-
             which began its downfall. These critiques have         dies 2009), as
             often been identified as “post-modern” philo-          well as a con-
             sophy; the once proud and optimistic spirit of         tinuing  student  in  the  MA  Counseling
             modernity has fallen, and its replacement thus         degree at PTS. Although her home base
             far  has  been  the  skeptical  and  deconstructive    is in Calgary, Alberta, she is also current-
             spirit of postmodernity.                               ly writing a dissertation for her Ph.D in
             Many have felt threatened by the loss of certain-      Theology at Wycliffe College (University
             ty and security that came with the fall of moder-      of Toronto). Her research is primarily in
             nity, and they have also balked at the advent of       the area of theological method, and her
             postmodern deconstructionism, partly because           intent in both theology and psychology
             it is notoriously suspicious of any truth system       to  teach,  research,  and  counsel  with  an
             and can easily lead towards nihilism. However,         awareness not only of the complexity of
             while  postmodern  critiques  are  highly  dama-       human creatures, but also the complexi-
             ging to modern thought, they have unexpected-          ty of cultural development and its impact
             ly allowed for a unique re-opening of space for        on individuals and communities.
             metaphysical thinking and theology; the benefit
             of deconstructing modern foundationalism and
             recognizing  the  epistemological  limitations  of   titude of observable rationalities governing the
             human finitude is that we all, as limited beings,   social world in different contexts. Thus, simi-
             must choose and commit to a worldview based       lar to the biblical story about the multiplicity
             ultimately upon faith and not empirical certain-  of languages at Babel, we have in the postmo-
             ty. The implications of this are significant, and   dern age a multiplicity of rationalities. Howe-
             while Christian theology has struggled for cen-   ver, while this provides space for the Christian
             turies, attempting to claim space for itself in an   worldview, it results in great difficulty as various
             increasingly secular culture which highly favors   “rationalities” inevitably interact with and relate
             empirical objectivity, the advent of postmodern   to one another. With no queen bee to govern
             philosophy and its unveiling of ineradicable hu-  our  claims,  the  challenge  of  communicating
             man subjectivity means that the potential, if not   between rationalities is substantial; the result of
             the actuality, of space for metaphysics and theo-  multiple rationalities in one culture could easily
             logy  has  been  found  again.  As  Watson  notes   result in a ghettoizing of many small sub-cultu-
             in his article, since the myth of a superior and   res, including multiple Christian sub-cultures.
             objective  reason  has  been  dismantled,  it  can   However,  Watson  suggests  the  possibility  of
             no longer effectively dismantle Christian truth   a creative solution. The import of his willing-
             claims in the way it once thought itself capable   ness to engage in inter-disciplinary discussion
             (Watson, 2014).                                   is shown here, since he suggests that perhaps
             Both Christian theologians and Christian psy-     the empirical research of psychologists has the
             chologists may benefit from this turn, if we are   potential  to  be  one  of  many  bridges  between
             wise  in  our  efforts.  A  universal  objective  re-  the  gaps  of  various  rationalities.  For  examp-
             ason may not exist, but it has tentatively been   le, empirical psychological research may have
             replaced with the notion that there are a mul-    something to say that would assist in substan-

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