Page 76 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 5
P. 76
Church Traditions for a Christian Psychology
A deeply traumatizing event in World War II, my reasons to turn to Roman Catholic teaching,
when I was 8 surfaced (at the age of 35) when a where one can “offer one´s sickness up to God”,
long hidden episode surfaced. I said: “Lord, as He loves us and at times He shares His pain with
a missionary I know I have to forgive, I decide us in a physical way.
that with my mind”, but it took 12 years before Ed Welch recognizes that treatment with psych-
I finally discovered: now I have forgiven from iatric medications can “affect the physical body
the heart. Thus I tell Abuse Survivors: we can´t and brain, but that they can´t produce faith,
forgive from the heart, but God can teach one love, obedience, purpose, joy and hope. These
how. I invite them to come into God´s School of are Spiritual – from the Spirit – and come from
Forgiveness. If that is still too difficult for some, hearing and responding to the word of Christ”. I
they can go to the “playgrounds of the school”. can underline that by personal experience. The-
God will call them inside when they are ready re is “suffering and hardship, and God´s com-
to learn to forgive. fort and our faith (then) are essential at those
2) In charismatic/protestant teaching there is
often the stress on the notion that ´God heals´ His remarks about emotions are so insightful; it
if you believe. If that doesn´t happen then there is worth to read it at least a few times.
is somewhere sin in your life. This was one of