Page 73 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 5
P. 73

Church Traditions for a Christian Psychology

             that process there is much room to error.  CCEF   This is a process that biblical counseling typical-
             and other groups are working to teach an acces-   ly follows with most secular categories.
             sible, reproducible method, but we know that
             we  are  trying  to  teach  wisdom,  and  wisdom   Biblical  counseling  and  sin?  A  second  recur-
             takes time to learn.                              ring  concern  among  those  who  observe  bib-
                                                               lical  counseling  is  our  doctrine  of  sin.  Coun-
             Is  Biblical  counseling  anti-psychology?    Most   selors talk to people who are suffering, and to
             stereotypes have their reasons, and I can under-  talk about sin seems as though it would make
             stand  this  concern.  Although  I  am  a  licensed   them feel worse. Now they have condemnation
             psychologist,  I  believe,  along  with  my  col-  alongside their suffering.
             leagues, that evangelical churches have adopted   Biblical counseling, here again, is less than re-
             certain  aspects  of  psychotherapy,  and  it  has   actionary.  Human  struggles  are  comprised
             been to their detriment. Emotions have become     of  sin  and  suffering.  When  in  doubt,  biblical
             psychological phenomena, biblical perspectives    counselors  lead  with  compassion  and  God’s
             on suffering have been disqualified from mini-    good words to sufferers rather than address sin,
             stering to psychiatric disorders because they are   though there can be exceptions. Sin is not the
             deemed shallow, psychological needs for love,     sine qua non of biblical counseling because it is
             significance and security have usurped the need   not the center of Scripture. Jesus is the center,
             for redemption from sin, and so on.               and that means that everything in our method
             These concerns, however, are more mainstream      should sound good and inviting.
             than reactionary. They have come from biblical    Here is one example of how we might talk about
             scholars  and  sociologists  who  have  made  the   sin. A sixty-five-year-old man and his wife al-
             case more forcefully than we have.                ways come to an impasse at which he believes
             The position of CCEF toward secular psycho-       she is being arrogant and stubborn. Meanwhile
             therapy is that some is helpful and some is not,   she feels like almost anything can set her hus-
             which seems to be the position across the Chri-   band off on an angry rant. During counseling I
             stian  psychology  spectrum.  We  do,  however,   witnessed that the husband can, indeed, be set
             take extra steps when we consider secular ma-     off by innocuous comments or even comments
             terial. When we encounter a concept or method     that were intended to be encouraging.
             from psychology or psychiatry, we try to under-   The  subsequent  conversation  with  him  went
             stand the raw observation that fuels the catego-  like this.
             ry and then frame the observation biblically. For   “It is so hard to feel like we can’t measure up
             example, some psychodynamic and existential       or live under critique, and you have lived un-
             theories  have  used  dream  interpretation.  Sin-  der the weight of harsh conditions. The home
             ce these interpretations are controlled by their   that nurtured you left you always responsible,
             larger theories, we do not simply extract them    always guilty and abused - and there are times
             from their theoretical context and import them    you live as though you were back in that home.
             into a Christian model. Instead, biblical coun-   So we need lots of spiritual power: our goal is
             selors look for the data that contributes to the   to love when we feel threatened. That sounds
             theory. In this case, dreams are recognizable hu-  doable, but it is impossible. Confession is the
             man experiences. From there, we consider what     only way we can get there. Sometimes we want
             Scripture says. On reflection, Scripture seems to   something from others more than we want to
             have a few different interpretations for dreams   love them. The way through this is to confess
             but is without a clear device that gives us defi-  those  desires  down  to  size.  They  control  you
             nitive discernment, which means we would in-      now, and we want to be controlled not by our
             terpret dreams with caution. Overall, we would    desires but by God’s pursuing love.”
             say that, though Scripture has a rich theology of   What I am trying to illustrate is that, since the
             dreams, dream interpretation is not essential to   ethos of biblical care should sound good, even
             a biblically-derived counseling model.            talk about sin should sound edifying and hope-

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