Page 227 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 5
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             Anticipated publication date:
             December 2014

             Focus Country: Finland

             About us

             This journal is published by the European
             Movement  for  Christian  Anthropology,
             Psychology and Psychotherapy in coope-
             ration with the IGNIS-Academy, Kanz-
             ler-Stürtzel-Str.2,  D-97318  Kitzingen.
             EMCAPP  as  a  non-institutional  move-
             ment enjoys meeting Christian scholars
             and practitioner in the field of Christian
             anthropology,  psychology,  psychothera-
             py and counseling from all over the world
             and from most Christian traditions. We
             are  focused  on  bringing  together  key
             persons  from  different  countries.  The
             richness of experience and background
             always stimulates and refreshes us.          The board of EMCAPP:

             This magazine is free and can be down-       •   Francesco Cution (Italy), clinical psychologist and
             loaded from our website. We appreciate          psychotherapist, associate of the Italian Catholic Association
             everyone who recommends it.                     of Psychologists and Psychiatrists, president founder of the
                                                             association “Jonas is on the way“, Rome.
             Per year, two issues of the journal are pl-  •   Nicolene Joubert (South Africa) psychologist, Head of the
             anned: The main articles of each number         ICP: the Institute of Christian Psychology in Johannesburg
             will prepared by a focus country.     
                                                          •   Rev. Andrey Lorgus (Russia), psychologist, Rector of the
                                                             Institute of Christian Psychology in Moscow, http://fapsyrou.
             Publisher, Editor: Werner May
             English Assistant: Trevor Griffith           •   ru .
                                                             Werner May (Germany), psychologist, former President of
             Design: Juliane Thoma                           the Academy for Christian Psychology IGNIS,
             Interactive design, Webdesign:                  President of EMCAPP Board.
             Heiko Gneuß, pro-webART                      •   Anna Ostaszewska (Poland), psychotherapist, supervisor,
                          President of the Psychotherapy Section of the Association of
                                                             Christian Psychologists (ACP), , Vice-President
             Many thanks to the numerous authors,            of EMCAPP Board.
             to the translators, and especially to Rick   •   Elena Strigo (Russia, city of Krasnojarsk, Siberian Region),
             Beerhorst.  Without  their  commitment          psychologist, psychotherapist at the Psychological
             and gifts this number would not exist.          Counselling Centre, member of EMCAPP Board.

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