Page 59 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 22
P. 59
�mes when Paul was empowered to preach dient, we miss out on God’s blessings and expe-
and to con�nue on despite persecu�on during rience distance from God. However, when we
his missionary journeys. The Holy Spirit also are obedient, we are in fellowship with God
empowers each believer with spiritual gi�s to and the Holy Spirit helps us be aware of his pre-
build up the church. sence and blessing on our lives (Grudem pp.
The second work of the Holy Spirit is to purify 647-49).
which he does through the process of sanc�fi-
ca�on (Grudem p.639). The Holy Spirit helps Holy Spirit’s Presence Impacts the Counselor
new believers break from the pa�erns of sin in and Client
their lives and bring forth the fruit of the spirit, As Chris�an counselors, counseling is not just a
love, joy, peace pa�ence, kindness, goodness, profession but a calling and ministry in which it
faithfulness gentleness and self-control (Gal. is important that we are dependent on the Holy
5:22-23). Spirit to guide and empower us. If the counse-
The Holy Spirit reveals or gives evidence of Go- lor is going to allow the Holy Spirit to guide,
d’s presence by giving witness to our spirit that they must be sensi�ve to the Holy Spirit’s pre-
we are children of God (Rom. 8:16). This gives sence. This begins with our own spirituality. Tan
us assurance and comfort. Believers are encou- iden�fies seven aspects of Chris�an spirituality:
raged when they recognize the Holy Spirit wor- First it means having a deep hunger or thirst for
king in their life and the lives of others. The God (Ps. 42:1-2, Ma�. 5:6). … Second, it means
Holy Spirit guides and directs Chris�ans as we having a love for God based on a personal
walk with Him and our desires change to con- knowledge of God (Ma�. 22:37-38; John 14:21,
form with the Holy Spirit’s desires and the fruit 23; Rev. 2:1-7). … Third it means being filled
of the Spirit grows within us (Gal. 5:16-26). Be- with the Holy Spirit and surrendering to God’s
cause the Holy Spirit is God, He can impart deepening work of grace in our hearts and not
truth (John 14:7), give wisdom (Deut. 34:9) and yielding to the sinful nature or the flesh in us
hope (Rom.15:13). In addi�on, He teaches and (Eph. 5:18; Gal. 5:6; Rom. 6:12-13). … Forth it
helps us understand scripture (Grudem pp. means discovering and using the spiritual gi�s
640-45). given by the Holy Spirit for God’s purpose and
glory (see Rom.12; I Cor. 12; Eph. 4: 1 Pet. 4);
The Holy Spirit brings unity. This was observed bearing forth the fruit of the Spirit, which is ul-
on the day of Pentecost when “the Holy Spirit �mately agape or Christlike love (Gal. 5:22-23)
created a new community which was the and becoming more Christlike in every way in
church” (Grudem, p. 646). Paul several �mes our lives and character (Rom. 8:29). Fi�h it
men�ons the unifying work of the Holy Spirit means developing biblical thinking and having
when he writes to the Corinthians, Philippians a world view that is consistent with God’s eter-
and Ephesians about the fellowship of the Spirit nal perspec�ve as revealed in the BibIe, his in-
(2 Cor. 13:14, Phil. 2:1-2, and Eph. 2:18). spired Word (cf. Rom. 12:2; Phil. 4:8; Col.3:16a:
We also need to recognize that we must not 2 Tim. 3:16-17). … Sixth, it means being invol-
grieve or offend the Holy Spirit by being disobe- ved in spiritual warfare, which requires the use
dient. The Holy Spirit loves us and wants to of supernatural power and resources from God
bring blessings, but we see warnings in the New (cf. 1 Cor. 4:20; Eph. 6:10-18) … Finally, it means
Testament against resis�ng the Holy Spirit. Paul that there are mys�cal aspects and experiences
warns the Ephesian, Corinthian and Thessaloni- in the depths of Chris�an spirituality, which
an churches about grieving or quenching the transforms us to be more Christlike, including
Holy Spirit (Eph. 4:30, 1 Cor. 6:19-20, 1 Thess. sharing in the fellowship of Christ’s sufferings
5:19). The most serious offense is blasphemy (Phil. 3:10). (2022, pp. 443-44)
against the Holy Spirit. Jesus warns the Phari-
sees of this when the Pharisees spoke against As Chris�an counselors we iden�fy with Holy
the Holy Spirit a�ribu�ng His power to Satan. Spirit who is described by Jesus as the paraclete
Jesus said this will not be forgiven and is an which can be translated as Counselor, Comfor-
eternal sin (Mark 3:29). When we are disobe- ter, Helper or Advocate (John 14:26). The Holy