Page 108 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 22
P. 108

I can see that your life is full of interes�ng         Former Interviews with a Chris�an Psycholo-
        tasks. And you have a private life too. Has this       gist: „Why would you call yourself a Chris�an
        been stressful? Do you have some concerns              Psychologist?“
        of your heart you will share with the readers?
                                                               Agnieszka Wojsz (Poland)
        I have a wonderful and suppor�ve family and            h�ps://
        church community. My wife, Katelynn, and I             Nicholas DiFonzo (USA)
        have four children; Melody (10), Willem (8),           h�ps://
        Zachary (5), and Micah (3). My hobbies include         Friedemann Alsdorf (Germany)
        playing goalie in ice hockey, hiking, biking, and      h�ps://
        rollerblading. Maintaining a healthy work-life         Steven Voss (USA)
        balance as a graduate student and now as an            h�ps://
        early career psychologist has certainly been           Päivimaria Kuivamäki (Finland)
        challenging and stressful at �mes, but mostly I        h�ps://
        am grateful that there are so many opportuni-          Olena Yaremko (Ukraine / Germany)
        �es for me to serve God’s kingdom in a variety         h�ps:// May:
        of different ways. Living in a fallen world there      I am very happy that I can now offer you my small
        are always many things we could be concerned
        about, especially given the challenges that            eBook "Staying in Love - Seven Threads for a Love
        Chris�ans in North America (and around the             Net that lasts".
        world) are facing in our current sociopoli�cal
        climates. However, I am excited and hopeful
        about what God is doing in and through the
        church as I see more and more Chris�ans see-
        king to live out their faith in boldness, truth,
        and love in whatever careers and callings God
        has given them. It is an exci�ng �me to be a
        Chris�an in psychology and I am so thankful for
        the work that is being done by the readers of
        and contributors to this journal. May God con�-
        nue to bless you and the work you are doing,
        for His glory and our collec�ve good!

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