Page 105 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 22
P. 105

ward, I sought out two Chris�an counsellors            systema�c way of observing human nature and
        who were willing to share their experiences            ac�vity, psychology seemed to be able to offer
        and advice about pursuing a career as a Chris�-        some valuable insights, despite these serious
        an in the field of counselling and psychology. I       issues and limita�ons (which I have since come
        am grateful to God for sending me these wise           to associate with the term common grace). Rat-
        and pa�ent listeners.                                  her than viewing psychology as something to
                                                               be rejected in its en�rety or accepted and em-
        Why would you call yourself a Chris�an psy-            braced uncri�cally, I regard psychology as both
        chologist?                                             limited/distorted and also redeemable. Eric
                                                               Johnson’s wri�ngs on Chris�an Psychology
        Once I decided to seriously consider pursuing a        have been especially influen�al in this regard
        career in psychology, I started to wrestle more        and I have been blessed to be able to call him a
        deeply with whether it was possible for psycho-        mentor and colleague since my early years on
        logy to be compa�ble with a Chris�an world-            this journey.
        view and, if so, what it means to be a Chris�an
        in psychology. At the same �me, my church, as          I consider myself a Chris�an psychologist in the
        a community, also seemed to be wrestling with          sense that I aspire to be a Chris�an psycholo-
        similar ques�ons. Historically, my church had          gist who does psychology Chris�anly; that is to
        emphasized the importance of correct doctrine          say that my prac�ce as a psychologist is groun-
        and a rela�vely cogni�ve/intellectual approach         ded in and flows out of a biblical, Chris�an
        to faith and life, regarding emo�on and subjec-        worldview, rather than trea�ng Chris�anity as a
        �ve experience with a high degree of skep�-            supplemental component added on to a foun-
        cism and disdain. (Posi�vely, this did lay a firm      da�on of contemporary psychology. This is be-
        biblical founda�on for my faith that kept me           cause, I believe, all psychological theories and
        grounded through my secular educa�on later             prac�ces are influenced by our presupposi�o-
        on, for which I am grateful.) And yet, many peo-       nal worldview beliefs, whether implicit or expli-
        ple within the church were suffering from emo-         cit, which means that all non-Chris�an psycho-
        �onal and rela�onal difficul�es that didn’t            logies will be limited or distorted in some way
        seem to improve with mere mental assent to             and to varying degrees. Furthermore, insofar as
        biblical truth. The church began to recognize its      we can discern and understand God’s truth re-
        growing need for counselling supports, but it          vealed in special and general revela�on, I belie-
        did not trust the mental health system and had         ve that dis�nc�vely Chris�an psychological the-
        largely neglected to develop its own Chris�an          ories and prac�ces have the poten�al to offer
        counselling resources.                                 the greatest explanatory power and clinical u�-
                                                               lity of any psychological model available. Lastly,
        Perceiving this need, I sought out and read se-        I believe that Chris�an psychology is a means
        veral books and ar�cles by Chris�an authors to         through which we can express and progress to-
        try to be�er understand how other Chris�ans            ward the telos, or chief end, of humanity (and,
        were approaching and thinking about psycho-            therefore, of psychology); namely, to glorify
        logy. Some espoused cri�cal and skep�cal               God and enjoy Him as pre-eminently good,
        views of psychology, whereas others held ac-           true, and beau�ful. This is what mo�vates and
        cep�ng and posi�ve views of psychology, and I          guides my work as a Chris�an psychologist.
        found myself landing somewhere in between. I
        appreciated and agreed with many of the cri�-          What was the focus of your study/training?
        cisms regarding the shortcomings and distor�-          Did you get any results that you would espe-
        ons of contemporary psychology, especially re-         cially like to emphasize?
        lated to its naturalis�c and humanis�c presup-
        posi�ons which exclude God and spiritual reali-        I completed my Ph.D. in clinical psychology at
        �es. And yet, I had an intui�ve sense that, as a       the University of Windsor. Clinically, I received

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