Page 113 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 22
P. 113
We also had several workshops:
• Self-realiza�on or crea�vity and internal resources by Andrey Lorgus (Bulgaria/Russia)
• Integral psychotherapy of the person, based on the anthropology of Thomas Aquinas by Stefano
Paren� (Italy)
• 12 Steps To Living Life To The Full – A 12-Step Recovery Workshop as a Method of Integra�ng
Spirituality in the Prac�ce of Psychological Assistance by Paweł Surma (Poland)
Another highlight was a Crea�ve Spiritual Evening with poems by Anna Ostaszewska and songs by
Marcin Styczeń ( ). He is a Polish singer, guitarist, composer, lyricist, journalist
and lecturer. He is known for working together with poets and producing CDs, for example with
Karola Wojtyly, the later Pope John Paul II.