Page 112 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 22
P. 112

For the sake of truth and mental health, the best way to proceed in psychology degrees is to give an
        integrated explana�on of the human being. Also, this will prepare future therapists to understand
        be�er their pa�ents and the common human dilemmas.

        Ulla Dahlen (Finland), PhD in Counselor Educa�on and Supervision, presented „The Heart-House
        Model for Chris�an Psychotherapy“. The diagram can give you an impression of this model:

        Paloma Alonso Stuyck (Spain), Professor at the Abat Oliba CEU University (Barcelona), Doctor in
        Psychology and Specialist in Family Therapy gave a lecture about „Koumi Project which aims to heal
        sexual wounds“. In her summary she wrote: ... Sexual wounds are understood in a broad sense, not
        only including those caused by sexual abuse, but also the damage caused by promiscuity and the
        trivializa�on of sexuality. It is not directed at people who are currently suffering sexual abuse, nor at
        minors, nor at cases involving legal issues.

        Promiscuity and the trivializa�on of sexuality: because of an ero�cized social environment, sexual
        rela�ons begin at a very early age and infidelity or having mul�ple sexual partners has become
        normalized. Occasionally, it causes personal imbalances when the person feels they are being
        treated like an object. When the dignity of the person is hurt, their percep�on of themselves and
        the world is altered. This makes it difficult to maintain stable rela�onships and o�en leads to toxic,
        destruc�ve rela�onships.

        In the Koumi Project, it is Christ himself who goes out to meet the wounded person to li� them up
        and return them to the life of those who know they are loved by God. The training of the project
        members aims to enable them to provide personal support through theore�cal and prac�cal
        sessions with case analyses and simula�ons.

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