Page 107 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 22
P. 107
What are your actual professional du�es? Can
you please tell us a li�le bit about your expe- ved from biblical and theological principles as
riences? well as empirical research on experien�al and
rela�onal psychotherapies. It is an ambi�ous
Since comple�ng my Ph.D. in 2021, I have project, but one that I am very excited about.
sought opportuni�es to be re-socialized into a
Chris�an worldview by immersing myself in a My main responsibili�es as a professor involve
vibrant Chris�an academic community, which I teaching undergraduate courses in abnormal
found at Redeemer University where I have psychology, posi�ve psychology, theory and
been serving as Assistant Professor of Psycho- methods of counselling, and the psychology of
logy since 2022. Here I have had greater expos- spirituality. Currently, I have had the opportuni-
ure to Chris�an theology and philosophy, which ty to contribute to the development of a new
I hope will allow me to develop more biblical M.A. program in Counselling, which we plan to
conceptual frameworks and methodologies launch in the next couple of years, based upon
from which to prac�ce psychology in more dis- the Chris�an Psychology approach that I descri-
�nc�vely and deeply Chris�an ways. So far, this bed earlier. Psychotherapy and psychotherapy
has included efforts to rediscover the classical training are my passions, so I am looking for-
Chris�an soul care resources of the church, for ward to training Chris�an counsellors to coun-
example, in the wri�ngs of Soren Kierkegaard sel Chris�anly and contribu�ng to the develop-
and the individual and communal spiritual for- ment of greater mental health resources in our
ma�on prac�ces of the church. At present, Eric church communi�es. In addi�on to teaching
Johnson and I have been working on a project and service to the university, I also maintain a
called “Cardi�ve Therapy” where we are deve- part-�me clinical prac�ce in the community
loping ways of working with the “heart” in working with individual adult clients seeking
Chris�an soul care and counselling, based on a psychotherapy supports for a wide range of is-
theory of Chris�an psychospiritual change deri- sues and concerns.