Page 72 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 21
P. 72

Gilberto Safra, Full Professor, Universidade de
                                      São Paulo, Brazil.

                                      He inves�gates de post modern subjec�vity,
                                      and religion and spirituality of the person in
                                      contemporary world.

            Gilberto Safra

                   Comment to “Can love destroy a human person?”

        Cristopher A. Wojcieszek's paper en�tled Can           self towards the Other. Very different from the
        love destroy a human person? conveys a com-            o�en-degraded use of the word love, to deno-
        petent discussion about the ques�on of love,           minate a simple desire to fulfill one self’s own
        using frui�ul ground in philosophy. to support         desires.
        his arguments The ar�cle makes an important            The clinical situa�on shows us that there is a
        discussion in contemporary problem’s perspec-          primordial desire in human beings to achieve
        �ve, in which the word love is being used frivo-       the possibility of becoming “us”. The individual
        lously, to address phenomena very distant from         is born into a family environment (us) and longs
        those discussions on love in the cultural herita-      to achieve the experience of becoming “us”,
        ge of humanity.                                        through the experience of friendship, marital-
        Several authors have addressed the issue of            family and community rela�onships. From this
        love as an ontological posi�on and gesture.            perspec�ve, the matura�on of the capacity to
        Much is lost when we understand love simply            love establishes as an existen�al horizon, a life
        as an erra�c drive or as an emo�on. Vladimir           project, which allows the person the possibility
        Solovyov (SOLOVYOV, V. The Meaning of Love.            of becoming “us” amid the community.
        London, Lindisfarne Books, 1985.), for example,        In leaving one’s own self in favor to the Other,
        tried to contemplate the complexity of love,           through the experience of love, the loved one
        highligh�ng its meaning and dignity of love as a       becomes a presence (not an object), when he is
        feeling, since it demanded that we recognize           then accepted and welcomed not only by his
        for others the same absolute significance that,        past, by his present, but fundamentally by a fu-
        because of our selfishness, we are aware only          ture, with whom one can experience the we-
        for our own selves. Love is important not only         community event. Whoever loves another does
        as one of our feelings, but as the possibility of      so, for what he was, for what he is, and for what
        transferring our interest from ourselves to An-        he could become.
        other. For this author, the meaning of human           Love implies keeping the other at the heart of
        love is the event that enables the sacrifice of        the soul, guarding the stature of his dignity and
        selfishness. It leads the person to leave his own      his poten�al for development of himself in the

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