Page 73 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 21
P. 73

future. The parents, the friend, the lover guards      logical paradigm of friendship. John the Bap-
        the future of the loved one and the possibili�es       �st's speech is a fundamental reference when
        of the fulfillment of his future.                      he states that he must diminish himself for Je-
        In the same perspec�ve, Mikhail Bakh�n (BAK-           sus to appear in His Greatness. The love pre-
        HTIN, M. The Dialogic Imagina�on: Four Essays          sented here does not imply that decreasing
        by M. M. Bakh�n. Aus�n and London: Universi-           one’s own self abolish the value of oneself, on
        ty of Texas Press, 1981.) pointed out in his           the contrary, this ac�on expands the experi-
        works that, it is the Other who loves us, who          ence of oneself through love openness to the
        will keep the totality of ourselves in his memo-       other. That is Love as a reflec�on of the Christ´s
        ry. Totality that has not yet happened. Also, Vla-     Love: Kenosis.
        dimir Solovyov states that love is necessarily
        zealous, because it guards the good that the
        loved person is for us and could become in his
        future. The loving presence of others sustains
        the value of oneself. A person's resilience hap-
        pens through the memory of the other's love
        within himself.
        The perspec�ve presented here can be consi-
        dered in the rela�onship between Jesus Christ
        and John the Bap�st, a rela�onship discussed
        by the Chris�an tradi�on as presen�ng an onto-

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