Page 84 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 20
P. 84
volve ques�ons about who we trust, what sorts �on networks, or where strong par�san sen�-
of evidence are permi�ed, and what sorts of ments outweigh a fair-minded outlook).
stories are deemed plausible within a given This work was perhaps significant to me becau-
community. In a Chris�an understanding of se it dovetails what we know about the accura-
knowing, evidence is highly valued (the Bible cy of the New Testament documents. Suffice to
shows this clearly), but evidence never speaks say that there is good reason to trust in the ba-
for itself. One must, as it were, first make a sic accuracy of the stories about Jesus that
commitment. Beyond this, I now define rumors were being circulated at the �me of the early
as shared informa�on and stories a) that some church, and good reason to rely on their trans-
persons or communi�es consider false, b) are mission accuracy once these stories were
embedded within a narra�ve about God’s wri�en down in the gospels and the book of
goodness or his badness, c) have a spiritual di- Acts.
mension that relates to the heavenly realms in
conflict, and d) are (non-determinis�cally) em- Why would you call yourself a Chris�an psy-
braced or rejected (for more on this, please see chologist?
DiFonzo, 2019, „A Chris�an psychology of ru- I have begun to see that „doing psychology“
mor,“ Journal of Psychology and Chris�anity, whether teaching, researching, or serving is re-
38(1), 3-21). ally a forma�ve spiritual discipline in Christ
both for me and for those with whom I do psy-
chology. If you will doing psychology is an act of
An example of this is how my teaching of „re-
search methods“ (and my own research ap-
proach) has changed. The aim of research as a
Chris�an psychologist is not just theore�cal
knowledge, but poe�c knowledge. That is, to
love God through loving the thing encountered.
I first teach students basic ways of studying the
Bible (many have never actually done this), and
ask them to study the Scripture with respect to
the psychological concept we are interested in
(e.g., we recently studied the fruit of the Spirit,
and each of the nine students involved focused
on one of these expressions of the fruit: agapé
love, joy, peace, pa�ence, kindness, goodness,
gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control; see
Gal. 5:22-23). In addi�on, I try to point to what
Chris�ans (e.g., Augus�ne, Aquinas, Kierke-
gaard) have said on the ma�er.
Did you get any results that you would especi- But this Scripture study is not to be only infor-
ally like to emphasize? ma�ve, it is to be spiritually forma�ve: I ask
I think one of my favorite discoveries was that them to meditate and pray on these Scriptures,
there are some situa�ons where rumors tend and we meet regularly to share insights. It feels
to become more accurate (e.g., when people in much like a biblical word study and indeed the
established friendship networks want the Word studies us! Once the contours of the con-
truth, and credible sources are available to cept are known personally within a Biblical
check the rumor) and some in which they beco- worldview, I teach them how to conduct a stan-
me less accurate (e.g., in high-anxiety natural dard literature review, and these texts then add
disaster situa�ons with disrupted communica- to their wisdom.