Page 86 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 20
P. 86
within a frame of acceptance of one’s current of the Chris�an transforma�onal approach I
self and acceptance of the self that God calls us just spoke about. Ideas and conversa�ons that
to be both of which are rooted in God’s love for occur in rela�on to my “work life” apply almost
us (is my daily sense of worth based on a com- immediately to my “private life”, and vice-ver-
parison of my accomplishments with other sa. Both lives feel rather “stressful,” but of cour-
people rather than a transparent res�ng in se that is not the truest way to understand it.
Christ?). Rather, like you and each of your wonderful
So, as part of doing psychology in the Spirit, readers, I am being ac�vely pruned12. (See
even teaching is transforma�onal, part of one’s “Evil Rumors” on the topic of stress as pruning).
walk with Christ.
Former Interviews with a Chris�an Psycholo-
What are your actual professional du�es? Can gist: „Why would you call yourself a Chris�an
you please tell us a li�le bit about your Psychologist?“
Yes. Like other professors, my du�es include te- • Friedemann Alsdorf (Germany) h�ps://em-
aching, scholarship, and service. I interact
mostly with undergraduates in courses such as • Steven Voss (USA) h�ps://
Psychology & Theology, Social Psychology, Posi- 18/#p=38
�ve Psychology, and Research Methods. I in- • Päivimaria Kuivamäki (Finland) h�ps://em-
teract with graduate students in our PsyD pro-
gram through similar courses integra�ng coun- • Olena Yaremko (Ukraine / Germany)
seling and theology. I supervise many students h�ps://
individually who desire a deeper involvement
in research. I advise and have con�nuing con-
versa�ons with many students outside of class,
usually over coffee, and usually involving ideas
about Chris�an psychology.
I can see that your life is full of interes�ng
tasks. And you have a private life too. Has this
been stressful?
My wife and I, daughter and son-in-law, and
their three young children (and dog!) live in our
ac�ve mul�-genera�onal household; my days
include such things as clearing the table and
washing dishes, serving as a “taxi”, walking the
dog, gardening and lawncare, house repair and
handyman work, playing guitar and singing,
and reading fic�on.
Each year I read C.S. Lewis’s Till We Have Faces,
and his Ransom trilogy.
And when I can, I love to hike.
In a sense though, the dis�nc�on between my
“work life” and “private life” is blurred because