Page 83 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 20
P. 83

Nicholas DiFonzo earned a Ph.D. in Social & Organiza�onal Psycho-
                                       logy from Temple University in 1994. He is Associate Professor of Psy-
                                       chology at Roberts Wesleyan University (NY, US), where he teaches
                                       courses in Social Psychology, Research Methods, and Psychology and
                                       Theology. His research interests focus on Chris�an worldview-based
                                       transforma�ve approaches to psychology, worldview influence in
                                       psychological measurement, and the psychology of rumor.


                                                                                       Former contribu�ons:
         Nicholas DiFonzo                                                 h�ps://

                        "Why would you describe yourself as

                                   a Chris�an psychologist?"

                              Ques�ons to Nicholas DiFonzo (USA)

        May I first ask how it came about that you stu-         ding brief descrip�ons in the Dic�onary of Oc-
        died psychology?                                        cupa�onal Titles, I saw „Social Psychologist“
        Yes. I would say that there was a moment in             and immediately recognized myself even my
        the midst of a zig-zag career path where I felt         childhood self in the descrip�on. I felt it as a
        an overwhelming sense of call to be a social            calling. And even though I was not in the typi-
        psychologist.                                           cal place in life for graduate school (a wife,
        In the 1980s, I began work as an environmental          three children, a house), my wife was very sup-
        engineer; a marvelous occupa�on, but not                por�ve and a series of rather unusual events
        much in line with who I am. So, I started taking        occured that enabled me the opportunity en-
        masters level courses at night in counseling; I         ter a PhD program in social psychology.
        felt like a fish entering water I loved what I was      S�ll, decisions such as these were (and are)
        learning. The program was billed as „existen�-          very much exercises in dependence.
        al-humanis�c“ with no religious elements, and
        I found myself challenged and eager to under-           What was the focus of your study/training?
        stand it in Christ. I remember reading much re-         For most of the last 30 years, I have focused on
        levant Chris�an literature at that �me in paral-        the psychology of rumor (e.g., why people be-
        lel with my coursework; for me it was a double-         lieve and share rumors, how they become
        educa�on.                                               more and less accurate, how to manage harm-
        At the same �me, my wife and I became invol-            ful ones). The tradi�onal defini�on of rumor is
        ved in star�ng and running a Crisis Pregnancy           an „unverified statement in circula�on.“ Of
        Center a Chris�an ministry that helped women            course, this begs the ques�on of what cons�-
        in unplanned pregnancy situa�ons and I soon             tutes „unverified“ a very good ques�on inde-
        le� engineering to direct this new ministry. I          ed!
        did this for seven years, and I am thankful to
        the Lord for that chance to serve and to grow.          It was only a�er I became a Chris�an psycholo-
        I sensed, however, that my gi�s lay in a some-          gist that I was able to resolve this ques�on wi-
        what different direc�on. One day while rea-             thin a Chris�an worldview. Rumors always in-

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