Page 38 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 20
P. 38

will give a sense of safety and hope. However,         I was a�uned to her need to be recognized and
        as we will shortly see, this iden�fica�on will         accommodated to in order to feel safe in our
        need to mature into a more individualized per-         work. Reliability insofar as a regular �me and
        sonal faith. Faith “through” another person will       space was essen�al. But even more, my spirit
        need to transi�on into faith “in” an “other” per-      of empathy and deep listening needed to be
        son. The pa�ent will not only model the thera-         genuinely experienced by her.
        pist, but will in �me experience the therapist as
        different than them.                                   Sylvia knew that I was a Chris�an and she actu-
                                                               ally chose to work with me for this reason. She
        Case Illustra�on: Sylvia (4)                           felt that I, more than most therapists, could un-
        Sylvia was a 35-year-old mother of three when          derstand the environment in which she was rai-
        she first saw me (Marie) for therapy. Her marri-       sed. As we began our work, I knew that I was a
        age of eight years was on the verge of collapse,       representa�ve to her of how a Chris�an is cal-
        and she was deeply despondent. Sylvia had              led to be, and I knew that she would be asses-
        grown up in southwestern Texas, the last of            sing me even as I was trying to learn about her.
        eight children. Mother and father were raised
        Catholic and considered themselves Chris�ans,          Crises piled up in our work. Police had to be
        but did not a�end church. However, they drop-          summoned because of a violent alterca�on in
        ped their children off for Sunday School at a ne-      the front yard of their home. Protec�on from
        arby protestant church. Religion had long since        abuse (PFA) orders were filed. The bureau of
        become a relic of the past for Sylvia due to her       Children and Youth were called on numerous
        “Chris�an” parents’ abysmal care.                      occasions to inves�gate whether or not their
                                                               children were safe. Fortunately, I was able to
        Being youngest of eight, she received precious         calmly and reliably be there to help Sylvia navi-
        li�le a�en�on. Mother was always in a frene�c          gate the con�nual turbulence of her family, and
        rush, forge�ng commitments and neglec�ng               help to avoid disastrous consequences. Sylvia’s
        Sylvia in the process. On many occasions Sylvia        husband, David, agreed to begin individual the-
        was le� wai�ng for mother to pick her up a�er          rapy with my husband (Lowell) at this �me.
        school. She learned later that mom was visi�ng
        her “boyfriend” many of those �mes and had             One day about a year into our work, when a
        “forgo�en” about her.                                  therapeu�c alliance had begun to take hold, I
                                                               asked Sylvia how it had happened that she pos-
        Sylvia felt consistently failed by her husband         sessed virtuous values in spite of the fact that
        who, rather than coming home a�er work,                she was raised in a family with li�le semblance
        loved to go to the neighborhood pub and laugh          of a moral compass. She shared that although
        with his buddies. As in her youth, Sylvia felt un-     her professing Chris�an parents were awful,
        recognized and uncared for. Her husband had a          they had priori�zed her church a�endance. It
        well-stocked gun collec�on, and thousands had          was there that she must have learned her valu-
        been spent to furnish it. When Sylvia asked him        es. We explored the impact of her early years in
        to consider replacing their dishwasher that had        church and Sylvia began to so�en her rejec�on
        stopped running, he told her that they did not         of Chris�an faith. Soon, Sylvia reported that she
        have the money for it. She felt completely alo-        had visited a church nearby, and her husband
        ne with no one in her life that cared for her.         had accompanied her. They both found a sense
                                                               of peace and encouragement as they sang the
        As I did the ini�al evalua�on, I noted the magni-      songs and learned through the sermons how
        tude of dismissal Sylvia had experienced in her        Chris�an marriage is supposed to be.
        life. From physical needs, to emo�onal needs,
        she did not ma�er. There needed to be a speci-         Sylvia’s impulsivity and ac�ng-out began to de-
        al priority in my work with Sylvia, to ensure that     crease through her growing understanding of

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