Page 5 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 17
P. 5
About the Artist
There are many ways for one to encounter
the great Creator. From the Christian bible
we learn how he manifests himself to a di-
versity of people in diverse manners. And
still today the access is manifold. Some are
moved by nature, some by studying scrip-
ture or other books, for some music is an
access to the triune God and for some the
Fine Arts can be a window to the soul.
In my church I have brothers and sisters
with whom I can laugh and cry, believe Miriam Eva Hofmann
and have doubts. Together we are pupils of Germany
the one who invented creativity with all its
facets of life.
This is one of the reasons why I named my given talents for praise.
homepage www.meisterschü The In Psalm 90:17 Moses prays: “May the fa-
German word “Meisterschüler” means vor of the Lord our God rest on us; esta-
Master-class-student. I am not a student of blish the work of our hands for us – yes,
an artist’s master class, but see myself as a establish the work of our hands.”
pupil of THE inventor of creativity. Contrary
to a student in Art School, where you have I work conceptual. With a divers number
had to prove your worthiness to become a of materials and techniques I treat themes
master student the access to the greatest which I presently have on my mind. The
Artists of all is not bound to certain require- main subject of my Art usually is the rela-
ments. The only precondition is ones wish tionship between mankind and its Creator.
to honestly follow Jesus. It is not my goal to produce “Christian Art”,
but Art which encourages reflectiveness
In the book of Exodus one can read how and hopefully points out to the one who
God equipped his artisans and artists with stand at the beginning of everything.
his Holy Spirit. Through their high qualified When I create art the results have to touch
works they were to honor him by building my heart first. When it also touches the
the tabernacle and all its utensils. These heart of the viewer, then maybe we speak
masters of the arts had been raised as sla- the same language.
ves in Egypt and there they had learned
everything they needed to know to ful- I studied History of Art focusing on mu-
fill the given assignment. God had prepa- seum education. But instead of getting a
red them in a time they probably hadn’t degree in this field I decided to become a
dreamed of the task ahead. kindergarten teacher because I really wan-
This account shows that on the one hand ted to work with children artistically since
God himself appoints and equips Artists in the 80s the chances to get a job at a mu-
for his plans but it also shows the great re- seum weren’t so good.
sponsibility one has when using these God Until we got our first child I worked at a