Page 3 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 17
P. 3
2 Editorial
8 About the artist: Miriam Eva Hofmann (Germany)
Main Articles
12 Paul Loosemore (USA): Situating Grief in Redemptive History for the Sake of Joy
25 Lucia Del Carmen Peraltilla Romero (Peru) and Bart Gooijer (Netherlands) comment
Paul`s article
33 The article by Paul Loosemore in the light of former contributions
36 An Interview with a Christian Pychologist: Päivimaria Kuivamäki (Finland)
40 Werner May (Germany): Werner´s Challenge for a Christian Psychology: The human
being as a relational being is also a part of systems / Werners Herausforderung für
eine Christliche Psychologie: “Der Mensch als ein Beziehungswesen ist auch Teil von
Further Contributions
48 Review of the Seminar “Theoretical Foundations of the Christian Psychology” by the
Ukrainian Association of Christian Psychology on 29.01.2022
51 A special Topic: Miguel A. Alcarria (Spain): Idolatry: A Phenomenological Approach
from Psychology / Idolatría: una aproximación fenomenológica desde la psicología
55 We present Gideon Institute of Christian Psychology and Counseling
58 The first 16 numbers of the eJournal
59 Next Number / About us
60 Seven Statements of EMCAPP
Why do we have a bilingual journal?
In our movement for Christian Psychology, we meet as Christians with very different backgrounds: different churches, dif-
ferent cul-tures, different professional trainings…
There is a common desire for the movement, but highly “multi-lingual” ideas of its realization! Therefore, a bilingual journal
is just a small reference to our multilingual voices to remind us:
Languages are an expression of cultures, countries and of their people. By writing in two languages, we want to show our
respect to the authors of the articles, to their origin and heritage, and at the same time symbolically show respect to all
the readers in other foreign countries.
There are many foreign languages that we do not understand. Within our own language, we intend to understand one
another, but we fail to do so quite often. To really understand one another is a great challenge, and we also want to point
to this challenge by offering a bilingual journal.
“When languages die, knowledge about life gets lost.” (Suzanne Romaine, 2011)
Finally, there is a pragmatic reason: As we want to have authors from one special country to write the main articles of every
journal, it will be easier for them to distribute the journal in their own country, when it also is in their own language.
Note: By clicking the desired contribution in this Contents list, you immediately reach the relevant page.