Page 53 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 15
P. 53

Anna Rudecka (Poland)
             Comment to “Attachment                               Anna  Rudecka

             in Christian Counselling                             is  a  psychologist
                                                                  and  psychothe-
             and Therapy by Leena                                 rapist   working

             Junnila”                                             in  the  Centre  of
                                                                  Help  of  Christi-
                                                                  an Psychologists‘
             When Werner May asked me to write a com-             Association    in
             ment to Leena Junnila‘s article Attachment in        Poland.
             Christian Counselling and Therapy I fell into a
             state of panic. I found this article so interesting   Former contribution in our eJournal by
             and informative that I though it did not need        Anna you can see here:
             any  comments.  Leena  rightly  pointed  out  the
             importance of early attachment and how the at-
             tachment style of the patient interacts with the
             attachment style of the therapist. She interestin-
             gly presented the three dyadic relationships and   And yet we constantly put our bonds to the test.
             how they translate into the context of Christian   We need to do it. When I read the article At-
             therapy. She also provided some fresh personal    tachment in Christian Counselling and Thera-
             experience as the illustration of her point and   py by Leena Junnila I came up with some issues
             gave some useful practical advice to the practi-  which I will try to present here.
             sing counsellors and therapists.                  I  started  wondering  how  secure  attachment
                                                               style influences the development of mature, hu-
             So what I am writing here is not really a com-    man being with an internalized set of values. I
             ment, but rather – an inspired set of reflections.   am recently contemplating a thought that you
                                                               actually need to “disobey” in order to develop.
             We  need  attachment  to  live.  We  need  attach-  You actually need to put the bond to the test in
             ment to grow. We need attachment to learn –       order to really internalise the language, culture
             to learn a language, culture and values. We are   and values which you are taught.
             born pre-designed to learn and so we are deter-
             mined to attach.                                  Let  me  share  with  you  and  interesting  inter-
                                                               pretation of Eve‘s development in the Garden
             Similarly  to  most  mammals  we  come  to  the   of Eden provided by rabbi Remen. At first Eve
             world  so  helpless  that  without  attachment  we   was in the Garden like a little girl in a perfect-
             would not survive physically (the famous Kon-     ly secure attachment relationship: she trustful-
             rad  Lorenz‘s  goslings  instinctively  know  it),   ly listened to her Father‘s commands, she was
             we  would  not  survive  emotionally  (remem-     and an obedient little thing. But when she grew
             ber?  -  when  Frederick  II  Hohenstaufen  tried   older - just like every rebelling teenager - she
             to teach children a language without providing    needed to question her Father‘s values, she nee-
             a secure bond they all died out within a year)    ded to gain knowledge of good and evil on her
             or we would not survive as a society (although    own. And so in order to grow she needed to
             we might create a caricature of a society as the   disobey. She needed to leave the land of happy
             deserted boys in Lord of the Flies by William     childhood (The Never Never Land) and face a
             Golding). When the ability to create bonds is     life of suffering and tribulation. But her Father
             broken, both our physical, emotional existence    taught her everything she needed to survive, to
             is at stake and the same goes for social balance.    provide for herself and her family. She became a

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