Page 54 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 15
P. 54

mature woman. Moreover, she did not hear His      adventures, when he returned to the castle, he
             Voice from the outside any more, she interna-     was mature enough to “disobey” the Code and
             lised it. Now she heard it within her heart. She   asked the question which flew from his heart.
             made her choice and her Father was confident      This led him to finally find the Grail. He inter-
             that she would manage. He let her make use of     nalised the spirit not the letter of the Law.
             her curiosity, and explore the world on her own,
             but he neither ceased to love her nor left her.   Now: who was more mature: the brother who
             And so we may see this story not as a story of    left his father and chose to find his own way or
             a Fall but as a story of Growth, painful though   the brother who never left the house and stayed
             as it was.                                        with the father in the parable of “Prodigal Son”?
             A wolf mother nurtures her newborn puppies        I  think  that  it  was  actually  the  prodigal  son,
             when they need milk. When they grow up a bit      who was more securely bonded to his Father:
             she bites them to teach them to live and cope     he managed to “disobey” but he also managed
             (see: Hbr 5: 13-14: “Anyone who lives on milk,    to come back and accept reconciliation and for-
             being still an infant, is not acquainted with the   giveness. The older brother was more anxious-
             teaching  about  righteousness.  But  solid  food   ambivalent, although paradoxically, he seemed
             is  for  the  mature,  who  by  constant  use  have   to be more obedient and closer to his father.
             trained  themselves  to  distinguish  good  from
             evil.”). So secure attachment does not necessa-   I am writing all this to make just one therapeu-
             rily  mean:  unison  of  though  and  world  view.   tic  point.  Our  task  as  therapists  who  are  due
             Secure attachment may involve: pain, challenge    to form a secure attachment environment is to
             and development, curiosity, rebellion and “di-    allow our patient‘s “disobedience”, to allow the
             sobedience”.                                      to question our own convictions and beliefs, to
                                                               help them to develop into full and complex hu-
             Similarly, when Percival searched for the Holy    man beings.
             Grail he came to a castle, where he met a sick
             King. Percival was a righteous, virtuous knight,   As  Carl  Rogers  once  said:  “People  are  just  as
             following the honorary Code of Chivalry. The      wonderful as sunsets if you let them be. When I
             Code ordered a knight not to ask any unneces-     look at a sunset, I don‘t find myself saying, „Sof-
             sary questions, so Percival did not ask the King:   ten the orange a bit on the right hand corner.“
             “My Lord, how can I ease your pain?” although     I don‘t try to control a sunset. I watch with awe
             his heart urged him to bring relief to this poor   as it unfolds.” - That is probably the essence of
             sick man. He acted according to the Code, but     secure environment, (next to love, so aptly un-
             failed to find the Holy Grail. Only after many    derlined by Leena): let our patients be!

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