Page 26 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 15
P. 26
our Father. This experience would change our In this article I argued that a strong defense
anxiety, thoughts and concerns about existenti- against an elevated EI, from a Christian psycho-
al isolation. This experience is the starting point logical viewpoint, would be found in a secure
of a journey to get to know the Father better and attachment to God and a deep experience of fel-
form a secure attachment with him. As indica- lowship with a personal God. The type of prayer
ted previously, a secure attachment is a defense that would create this defense includes listening
against a high degree of EI. It is not in the scope to God speaking, while reading his Word, si-
of this article to expand on all the elements of lence and waiting for God to come closer, liste-
this experience but seeking an I-share moment ning to the Holy Spirit enlightening God’s Word
with a personal God through prayer set the sta- and an emotional/verbal response to express
ge to develop a secure attachment to God and a the shared experience with God. It could lead
strong defense against an elevated EI. to an I-share moment that could connect us to
and deepen our trust in God as our Father. The
Thus, a secure attachment to God would coun- inner peace and harmony that will flow from
ter the experience of existential isolation. A high this connection will break through existential
degree of EI correlates with an avoidant attach- isolation and will secure our deepest realization
ment style as mentioned above. It means that that we are not alone but forever part of God.
a person learned early in childhood not expect
much support when they cried out for help, but References
instead to expect criticism or condemnation. Helm, Peter, J., Tyler Jimenez, Michael Bultman, Uri Lifs-
This creates the experience of isolation and the hin and Jeff Greenberg. Existential isolation, loneliness,
and attachment in young adults. Personality and Indivi-
belief that nobody will be there to help. The con- dual Differences, 159 (2020).
clusion is often expanded to include the belief Helm, Peter, J., Uri Lifshin, Ronald Chau and Jeff Green-
that God will not be there to help, and the only berg. Existential isolation and death thought accessibility.
solution is, is to become self-reliant. As a result, Journal of Research in Personality 82 (2019).
a person develops an avoidant attachment style. Keller, Timothy. (2014). Prayer. Penguin Books, New
To change attachment to God from avoidant to Pinel, Elizabeth, Anson, E. Long, Erin Quinlivan
secure takes courage and a decision to let go of Murdoch and Peter J. Helm. A prisoner of one’s own
defiant isolation and the belief that it is better to mind: Identifying and understanding existential isolati-
rely on one’s own efforts and abilities. on. Personality and Individual Differences. (2017).
Yalom, I.D. (1980). Existential Psychotherapy. New York:
Basic Books.