Page 18 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 14
P. 18
are instead now going to be filled with pain, ded—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen
sorrow, and grief. One perspective to consider what is better, and it will not be taken away
is that the relational and work areas of life will from her” (Luke 10:41-42, NIV). It is apparent
not only be painful in themselves, but they will that Martha had become stressed over the pre-
be out of balance and this will also produce pain parations, an experience many people can have
and stress. A concrete way of understanding the when entertaining guests. This is an example of
original meaning of stress can be helpful: pres- a stress brought on by prioritizing events over
sure applied against an object that will even- persons and putting too much focus on the
tually weaken or fracture the object. In human wrong thing. If I were to set down with Martha
terms, this is felt as exhaustion or pain. When in my psychotherapy office, I might explore
the stress of a life lived out of balance presses with Martha the mindset she had while fussing
on the human psyche and on human relation- over the preparations for her company. Was she
ships, the result can be what once was called a perfectionistic and driven to appear adequate?
“break-down” and in the case of relationships, Was she rule-conscious and bound by narrow
perhaps a break-up. These tragic experiences confines of how to entertain? Was she playing
are too common and give testimony to the dis- out themes from her childhood where she was
order and chaos in our lives. an oldest child and expected to be the respon-
The imbalanced and sinful condition of huma- sible one? Did she wrestle with sibling rivalry
nity is also described in Romans 1:25. In this and her need was to look superior? Was she
passage, Paul refered to the human condition of simply following the expected custom of the
trading truth for lies, for worshipping created day for serving a guest? No matter what the psy-
things rather than the creator. The result is that chological explanation, Jesus’s words were clear.
God gave humanity over to its desire. The out- Martha had her priorities backwards. Mary had
come is found in Romans 1:26-32. The stress chosen to spend time with her guest, to priori-
brought on by such experiences is clear. tize the person over appearance and service. In
Theologically, some of the stress humanity ex- this biblical example of stress, we can learn that
perience in life comes from living life our own stress can occur when our priorities are not in a
way. In our lack of trust in God, we live inde- healthy order, even for those who have a relati-
pendent of God and his design. We seek peace onship with Jesus.
but largely can’t find it. However, as believers,
we know that peace comes from a trusting re- Body Care and Sabbath as Ways to Destress
lationship with Jesus. Notice what Jesus said in Health-care professionals are often expected
John 14:27. “Peace I leave with you; my peace I to help people learn to handle their stressors in
give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. healthy ways. This expectation exists although
Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be there is often little or no formal training to help
afraid” (NIV). The peace that Jesus gives cannot professionals learn how to help others mana-
be found in the things of the world or the hu- ge stress. Most mental health professionals,
man relationships we try to form. Our spiritual at some point in therapy, will assist clients to
identity is designed to be in Christ and when we handle stress in healthier ways.
have that priority straight, we are on a plane to Helping people manage their stress is an im-
handle the many stressors of life in a way that portant task for a therapist. Furthermore, from
leads to confidence and trust that God will walk a holistic and Christian perspective, it is im-
with us through the stressors and difficulties of portant to note that because stress can impact
our lives (Ps. 23:4ff.). physical health, helping people manage stress
is consistent with care and nurturance of the
Believers, too, can confuse priorities. Jesus temple of the Holy Spirit, the human body (1
confronted Martha for prioritizing things over Cor. 6:19-20). Though the context of this verse
persons in Luke 10:38-42. “Martha, Martha,” is not about stress, a general application is that
the Lord answered, “you are worried and up- we are to honor God with our bodies (v. 20).
set about many things, but few things are nee- God came to redeem embodied souls and the