Page 16 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 14
P. 16
Theological Perspectives of Stress Jesus prvide a spiritual perspective that is not
There are multitudes of environmental events only applicable for believers in an ancient time,
that can serve as stressors for people, some of but also for modern believers.
which have already been discussed. Through the
lens of the biblical writer, stress and worry may But how does this relate to modern stressors?
not be strongly differentiated. Stress, at least as Remember that stressors are obstacles or events
a conscious experience is often communicated in our environment. Stress is experienced ac-
as worry, fretting, or being overwhelmed. Stress cording to the interpretation given these events.
can come from experiencing horrific events and Stressors deal with those things that put pres-
it can be experienced as a result of daily hassles sure on us. It makes really no difference what
like busy schedules, crowded traffic commu- the pressure or stressor is. It is the experience of
tes, or appliances breaking down. Some stress the stressor that causes eventual breakdown or
is brought on by our choices and commitments exhaustion. There are many stress management
while other stressors are out of our control. How techniques that psychologists and counselors
is one to see these events through a biblical or can prescribe. They all work to varying degrees
theological lens? of success because they address the psycholo-
gical and physical aspects of humanity. In this
Writing from the perspective of a tripartite na- sense, believers and non-believers can all bene-
ture of humanity, where persons are considered fit equally well. However, a biblically informed
to consist of body, soul, and spirit, the impact psychology will also address the third part of
of stress must be considered in each area of our human nature, the spirit. Because man’s spirit
lives. The evidence is clear about the impact of has been brought from death to life (Rom. 6:13,
stress on the physical and psychological aspects 8:10; 1 John 3:14), believers have a spirit that
of our lives as previously discussed. But what has communion with God. We have access to
about the spiritual component of our lives? If the Father through the Son and because of this
present human experience is consistent with the we have spiritual life. Spiritual life allows us to
human experience of persons in biblical times, see the world, including our stressors different-
there may be examples of stress that Jesus and ly. Paul wrote that “The man without the Spirit
Paul address with persons, even if stress was not does not accept the things that come from the
part of the nomenclature. For example, in the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him
Sermon on the Mount, Jesus instructs us to trust and he cannot understand them, because they
in God for our daily needs and not be anxious are spiritually discerned” (1 Cor. 2:14, NIV).
like the pagans who worry about “tomorrow.” In coping with stress, the person born of the
A person whose spirit has been brought to life spirit can reframe the stressors in life through
through a relationship with Jesus (1 John 5:12) the lens of God’s perspective. This psychological
has a new perspective. In this new life, our spi- reframe goes beyond the soulishness of the per-
rit can commune with God’s spirit to give peace son: it has spiritual meaning that only a child of
in times of potential stress about one’s personal God can fully grasp (1 Cor. 2:14). Where other
needs. Paul built on this idea and said “Do not stress management techniques address the body
be anxious about anything, but in everything, (exercise, breathing), or the soul (distraction,
by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, pre- relaxation, list making, prioritizing, reframing),
sent your requests to God. And the peace of spiritual approaches are ultimately predica-
God, which transcends all understanding, will ted on trust in the person of Christ. Through
guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Je- trust in Christ, stressors have the potential to
sus” (Phil. 4:6-7, New International Version). take on meanings beyond simple psychological
By writing these words, it seems obvious that reframes. For example, the writer of Hebrews
believers were feeling anxious and stressed. But tells us to consider how the stressor (struggle,
through the lens of spiritual reality, the belie- hardship) can be seen through the lens of spi-
ver can do something that unbelievers cannot ritual discipline (Heb. 12:7). In this sense, the
accomplish. Believers can trust God. Paul and uncontrollable events that bring the experience