Page 53 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 10
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Lastly, the conscience has been defined as “in- factor is the child’s ability to adopt and assimi-
ternalized values and standards of behavior,” late the parent’s values (Kochanska et al., 2010;
and is often used synonymously with an indi- Termini & Golden, 2007). When a child behaves
vidual having morals (Kochanska et al., 2010, p. in a way that is not acceptable, the parents must
1320). address the behavior, and the child must accept
the rules the parent instills (Termini & Golden,
Age of Development 2007; Termini et al., 2009). Also, when a child
Moral development has been recognized as a experiences safety and affection in his or her
very involved, lengthy, ambiguous process wi- early years, this increases positive development
thout many absolutes as to what contributes to of the conscience (Termini & Golden, 2007). Si-
the actual process (Sherbolm, 2014). However, milarly, a parent’s disciplinary techniques have
researchers agree the development of one’s mo- shown to either negatively or positively contri-
ral identity is not limited to one phase of life, bute to a child’s moral development (Termini &
but instead is a lifelong process (Krettenauer et Golden, 2007). If parents explain why discipli-
al., 2016). To begin, a child’s ability to regulate ne is being used, and the differences between
themselves is one of the first indications of mo- right and wrong, this positively impacts moral
ral development and influences of moral beha- development, whereas aggressive and cold dis-
vior (Lapsley & Carlo, 2014; Termini & Golden, cipline have been shown to inhibit development
2007). Regulation starts when the caregiver is (Termini & Golden, 2007). Researchers have
present and the child can exert control over also found parents that cooperatively and effec-
themselves, which then develops into control tively co-parented had a more positive effect on
over self when the caregiver is no longer pre- the development of the child’s conscience, than
sent (Termini & Golden, 2007). This develop- parents who had conflicted parenting styles
ment usually occurs between 12-36 months of (Groenendyk & Volling, 2007).
age (Termini & Golden, 2007).
Moral Development and the Conscience
Crucial stages include late infancy through Kochanska et al. (2010) suggest the conscience
preschool (Termini & Golden, 2007). Resear- has a significant impact on the individual’s mo-
chers found children during the toddler and ral guidance and character throughout their
preschool age who had a history of being able to life. They also found children who develop a
internalize their parent’s rules and demonstra- conscience early in life are at an advantage de-
ted empathy towards their parents, thus contri- velopmentally despite environmental challen-
buting to their moral development, had mini- ges. Moral development is greatly connected
mal antisocial problems a couple of years later to the conscience, as the conscience provides
(Kochanska et al., 2010). Children also showed an individual with the simple understanding of
impressive moral abilities which continued to what is good and bad, equips the individual to
develop an understanding of morality through make the right decision in different scenarios,
middle childhood (Lapsley & Carlo, 2014). One and employs one’s emotional and mental sup-
study also found the greatest amount of moral port to comprehend moral situations (Sher-
development occurred in adolescence and into bolm, 2012). Additonally, the conscience is
adulthood (Krettenauer et al., 2016). Despite thought to play a role in moral emotions, which
the different ages and phases of life that inter- contributes to behaviors that are motivated by
act with moral development, it is clear that ear- the conscience (Sherbolm, 2012).
ly development has a lasting impact throughout
an individual’s life (Kochanska et al., 2010). Research has consistently elucidated the effects
of a positive environment between child and
Contributing Factors in Moral Development caregiver on the development of a child’s cons-
As mentioned previously, the early stages of a cience early on (Groenendyk & Volling, 2007;
child’s life greatly influence moral development Kochanska et al., 2010; Sherbolm, 2012; Termi-
(Termini & Golden, 2007). One contributing ni & Golden,); thus, let us consider the contri-